Costumes at Biltmore

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
There were two special exhibits. The first "Designed for Drama, Fashion from the Classics" were costumes worn in movies made from classic books that were some of George's favorites. Like Sherlock Holmes, Finding Neverland, Anna Karenina, and Far from the Madding Crowd. I would have taken photos of the information on each costume - it told what movie it was from and who wore it - but Armando's camera is the only one that takes good indoor non-flash photos and I was lucky to get him to take the clothing photos! Sorry some of them are blurry.



The other exhibit was about the Vanderbilt's weddings. The first dress was a reproduction of the dress worn by George and Edith's daughter, and the other by a cousin. Jackie Kennedy supposedly wore the same veil and they had a video of Jackie's wedding but apparently they changed the headpiece because it didn't look like the same veil to me.  

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Leigh Ann

Thanks for sharing! They are beautiful.

Patty Farrar

When Pete and I went to Hilton Head we stayed in a motel in Asheville on the way. It was about 1/4 mile from the Vanderbilt House. We didn't have time to go through I wish we would have. Another time perhaps. I sure enjoyed your trip...thanks for your narration and pictures...they were GREAT !!!!! ❤


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