50th Reunion Party

Saturday, August 02, 2014
Middleton, Wisconsin, United States
Saturday we sat around all day in our pajamas. There didn't seem to be any point to taking showers until we were ready to get all dressed up for the party. At 5:45 we went to pick up our friend Donna. Five of us - the same five who used to drive to football games in a VW.... we drove into Donna's driveway and honked the horn and she came out, jumped in the car and said "This is just like high school!!" Here we all are. I think we clean up pretty good!!  


It was really great fun. The food was better than average for banquet food and everyone got up and mingled. We had a great turn out - out of 129 remaining classmates, 57 came to the party Saturday night and we had 90 something with spouses. At the Sport Bowl there were several who didn't attend the party, so at least we got to see them then.



 A couple of my classmates, who shall remain nameless, (but they happen to be members of The Girlfriends and it's not me) confessed to painting 'Class of 64" on the side of the school building and on the highway overpass. Another of our classmates is an ex-cop and his son is a cop, and he tried to arrange for his son and a couple of friends to come and arrest our criminals but they ended up being on duty and couldn't. Too bad, it would really have been fun.

Here's Donna stealing the decorations.


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