Day 1 - Memphis to Bear Knob, TN

Saturday, May 02, 2015
Crawford, Tennessee, United States
Please don't "like" my blog on Facebook. I don't really want to announce to the world that I'm traveling. Thanks!

If you click on the pictures, they get bigger.

We started out about 8:30 on our new excellent adventure. The drive from Memphis to Nashville was pretty much "getting out of town" since we've been that way many times before and there's nothing new to stop and see. Our old neighbors and good friends Bob and Susie moved to a mountaintop near Crawford, TN two years ago, and we finally got to see their new "house on the hill". Susie met us in Monterey and led us up the mountain on curvy back roads. They had an ice storm this winter and there is still a lot of debris and broken trees.  

Finally we got to their mountain. They are the last house on the road. From their house you can see the roofs of two neighbors about a mile away. Otherwise all we saw was hawks and birds and mountains and trees. They have seen deer and bears and bobcats and raccoons and bunnies and all sorts of birds.  
The house is beautiful. Susie designed it herself. I had seen photos of it, but the photos don't do it justice. It is amazing. And the whole back of the house is windows looking out onto the view. Wow!!
We sat on the deck for awhile, then had dinner and spent a quiet evening visiting. Somehow we managed to not take a picture of Bob or the dogs Boston the boxer and Mike the Yorkie.  
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Finally getting to read the blog. Now that's what I call getting away from it all in style! Beautiful house and view.


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