Day 9 - New Haven, CT to Kingstown, RI

Sunday, May 10, 2015
North Kingstown, Rhode Island, United States
Today was a day for getting lost. Fortunately we know where we are right at this moment - in a hotel in North Kingstown, RI. Tomorrow we may be lost again.

We started the day getting lost going to the Knights of Columbus museum in New Haven. It took a couple trips around the block but finally we found it. It is quite a large museum, very well done, telling the story of the Knights.
Then we went to find St. Mary's Church where  Father McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, was parish priest. Again we got confused and tried to go to a Yale classroom building first. Yale surrounds the church and actually takes over most of New Haven.


 We then drove in circles for awhile so we could see the Yale campus and take some pictures and then get out of town.

We drove on the interstate for awhle, then onto US 1 along the coast thru picturesque villages. 
When the driver got tired of the curvy roads we got back on the interstate again until Mystic, CT when we headed off and stayed on Route 1. We made our way all the way to Point Judith and took a picture of the lighthouse for Bob to prove that we actually got there. Unfortunately it was really foggy down on that point - I know there's an ocean out there, but we couldn't see it. It was only foggy right out there on the we headed north it cleared and the sun sort of came out. It was chilly though. 

We drove up Route 1 thru Narragansett and saw the remains of the casino - apparently it was once quite a destination until a storm took out most of it. We ended up in a little mom and pop hotel. 

We've really been looking forward to seafood. We stopped in a little place in Connecticut for looked like a crab shack but they didn't really have what we wanted and what we got wasn't great. So for dinner we asked where to go and were told to go to Duffy's Tavern. We checked the menu on line and it was clams and lobster and all the stuff we were looking for. So off we went...and couldn't find it, went around in circles, Mary the GPS said go one way, Dora the Explorer on my phone said the other way. After driving about four times as far as we needed to we finally found the restaurant!! And the kitchen was closed.  

So we went back down the road, or was it up the road, and found another tavern. They didn't have much in the way of seafood so Armando had prime rib and I had soup and a "stuffie" - not sure exactly what it was - it was okay. Maybe tomorrow we can finally find some clams.

Then we left to go back to the hotel, and after driving several miles realized we were going the wrong way and turned around, got on the wrong road, found the right road then my head was going south but the car was going north and I had absolutely no idea where the hotel was, what the name of our hotel was or if we would ever see our stuff again. Fortunately Armando finally got us home.  

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So did you get out and explore Mystic. The Seaport and all the stuff about building the ships was very fascinating to me as a 17 year old girl. One of the places I'd still like to go back to. It was rainy, foggy and cold in 1981 too!


Make sure you have at least one Lobster Roll.


Don't ever try out got The Amazing Race.


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