First Day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
London, England, United Kingdom
It's been a long day! So let's start at the beginning...

Some of my compatriots were flying to the UK for work and made a scene, but otherwise it was a pleasant flight, I managed to get some sleep .
Luton it is a relatively small airport, compared to Gatwick and Heathrow. My plane form Kolozsvár arrived simultaneously with the one arriving from Temesvár, carrying two of my friends C. & D. We had previously arranged a meeting point, and fortunately we managed to meet there :) So far so good. The three of us headed for St. Pancras International Railway Station, as we were supposed to meet my girlfriend, Ági there. She was coming from Paris, on the Eurostar, through the Channel :)
The St. Pancras is a very civilized and very modern railway station, I liked that a lot. It was pretty easy to get around. We had arrived there a bit early, so we had some time to buzz around. I made photo of it, check it out, it is breathtaking. She arrived at last, so we made it to hostel, put our stuff down and headed straight to the city!

London is just so beautiful, so modern, and clean, civilized. It is one of the finest cities I have ever been to, no doubt about it. 

Walking in the city, Hyde Park, British Museum, the British Airways London Eye was on today's menu . :)

We got ourselves travelcards, which were available on all means of public transportation, for 3 days.
The British Museum like having a bit from all of the world melted in one place. From mummies to samurai, you will find all of it here. It was a multicultural, refreshing and amazing journey though the history. Though a bit long, we got pretty tired after app. two hours, so it was time for a nice ice-cream :)

We tried out a genuine, red double decker bus and rode around the city a bit.

The food was McDonald's, lame I know. But it is cheap,quick and uniform throughout the world.

At dusk we decided to hop on the London Eye, a must-do in London, of course. This ferris wheel is the second largest in the world and it is unique because of its suspension: It has only one support and it's tied to the ground on the other end to balance it. This way it spreads over the water . Sincerely, I can't really find the words to describe the view from up above. You have to see it to believe it. This city is just so amazing. Isn't that big as Sao Paolo, so it does not spread until the horizon, and it has a great deal of parks which nicely balance the amassed concrete and this way you don't get have that much metropolis feeling. Though it has its skyscrapers, "The City", but there are somewhat unique, and fit in the view. It was really a sight for sore eyes and rose my mood.

Back at the hotel, I am sitting here in the lobby. We got ourselves some refreshments and wine. Cheers!

PS: Check out the night shots I've made!



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