Getting the taste of it more&more

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Klösterle, Carinthia, Austria
Today we didn't go to the Kanzelbahn, but farther into the mountains, Klosterle. This way, we could start riding directly, as we arrived to the bottom of one of the slopes.

The snow was just amazing . Down at the 1000m mark it was melting, we were almost water-skiing, but further up it was fantastic: Slightly frozen and just powdery enough to feel right. 

I caught quite a few good rides today. We weren't chatting too much, but we rode almost non stop.
Have stopped a few times for a couple of lens flares. I've posted them, check'em out!
Back at the hotel it was relax time. Sauna, steam-bath and a small pool. Though I did not resist too much, as the water was just too cold for me. I know, lame, but I just cannot stand cold water anymore, as I used to a couple of years ago :P

The steam-bath was OK. We heated up the place so as we couldn't see each other faces :) This was my first time in a steam bath. I recall the Japanese public baths were a bit similar. Check out the full story in my Far East blog.

Back at the apartment we finished the card game we have started the day before. It was pretty intense as the score was tight. Not for me though, I came last :) Beginner's luck! Some of the guys went for a drink a little shaking to the club, but I stayed home as my girlfriend caught a cold the other day and I did not want to leave her alone.



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