Long journey south

Saturday, December 09, 2023
Ladyville, Belize District, Belize
Eight fresh inches of snow last night provided a physical reminder of why we were leaving Anchorage today headed south.  Thus, tail between our legs we slunk out to the airport and boarded the redeye, bound first for Los Angeles and then, after few layover hours, non-stop to Belize.  Alaska Airlines had kindly upgraded us to first class on the initial leg and then premium on the second, punctuated in the middle with access to their LAX lounge.  All of this, with the attendant gin & tonics, wine, and Kahlua eggnog, allowed us to endure the fifteen hours of travel remarkably well.  It did not, however, induce us into much sleep and we therefore landed in Belize, got our ride to the Triggerfish B&B, and promptly collapsed.  Well, actually we first sat around at the airport waiting for the driver who was supposed to be in the greeting throng holding a placard with our names on it.  And we waited some more.  Eventually we contacted the B&B who had arranged the ride and learned that the driver had been there but due to a miscommunication he had picked up someone else from our plane who was going to the same B&B and had beaten us through Customs.  TIB.  This is Belize.
We are here in Belize as part of our continuing effort to find the perfect short term antidote to the Alaskan winter.  Tomorrow we begin our too-quick exploratory visit.



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