Snorkeling, drinking and eating

Friday, December 15, 2023
Turneffe Island Resort, Belize
Our last day at Turneffe Resort and there was a full day planned of snorkeling to which we added drinking and eating.  Drinking because we are on the drinking plan and we have a ways to go to come out ahead and eating because, well the food is really good.
It was a more civilized start to the morning activities (i.e. departure at 9:00 a.m.) because we snorkelers were traveling separately from the divers today.  After our guide Beans checked a couple of his favorite spots only to decide they were too cloudy (still affected by all that rain), we went to South Cut.  This was again offshore but hardly any current or wind to struggle against, which pleased Phyllis greatly.  She was so tired out by yesterday's exertions that she seriously considered not going out this morning at all.  However it was such a gloriously sunny day that she tagged along and was able to employ her usual snorkeling method, which is moving along slowly and hovering peacefully at the more populated or interesting spots, just watching the underwater world go by.  She spent a couple of minutes watching a sergeant major fish vigorously defend his egg nest chasing even the smallest of fish away, which apparently everyone else missed.  We also saw a nurse shark, completely harmless and napping away under a large rock.  Because the tide was going out, there were pockets of rather cold water interspersed with the usual bathwater temperatures, where the colder freshwater from shore was rushing offshore.  None of us lingered long in those spots!
Back to the resort for a very tasty fish soup lunch and then Craig and the other snorkelers headed to Fabian's Roost.  Phyllis stayed behind to gather her strength for the final evening festivities (well, also she had developed a sore throat from all that dry air snorkel breathing, or an allergy, or both, and just wanted to laze around).  Also by not snorkeling in the afternoon she cold have a rum cocktail at lunch.  Craig is not saying this was a factor, but . . . .   She intended to work on this blog some but instead fell asleep in the little gazebo out over the water and then joined the bartender Hendry at the outdoor bar for a ice-cold Coke and discussion about his family in San Ignacio, etc.  It was a fine way to spend her afternoon.  Meanwhile, Craig had an excellent afternoon in the water.
The water at Fabian's Roost was more consistently warm and clear than in the morning and the coral and fish were about the same with one major exception . . . sting rays.  Craig saw three different kinds of rays hanging out on the bottom.  For the most part they were difficult to spot as they blended in with the bottom and were partly buried.  When they finally noticed us and swam off (happily in the opposite direction) they exhibited the effortless grace you expect from a ray.
For the cocktail hour Hendry created a new drink based on Starbuck's Peppermint Mochas.  We had made friends with another couple who shared lots of stories of world travel, Steve and Stacy; it being the Christmas season, Stacy and Phyllis both admitted to a fondness for this (and only this) Starbuck's product.  Stacy mentioned it to Hendry, who took the idea and ran with it.  The drink was awesome.  It is always fun to find kindred souls, and these guys live south of Wilmington so we may get to see them again someday.  
After sunset we all came together for the final evening meal, a cookout on the beach featuring grilled chicken, sausage, and lobster.  Set out on tables under the moon and stars it was a good way to end our stay.   The evening ended with a silly hermit crab race, where we each collected a hermit crab and all were released in the middle of a large circle in the sand... to see whose crab made it out of the circle first.  Our crab, hard to find and clearly unhappy, scratched at Phyllis and when she handed it off to Craig, it actually drew blood.  A feisty fellow, but he was more interested in fighting than racing and he didn't win.  After goodbyes from various staff, we partly packed for tomorrow morning's departure.  



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