At sea sailing down past Cartagena.

Monday, November 10, 2014
Cartagena, Murcia, Spain and Canary Islands
Woken up at 7:30 by the sun streaming in the balcony window. So got up for early morning coffee then down to the Pacific Restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast went up on deck, sunny with a light breeze and we are heading to pass through the Straits of Gibraltar today. The ship is sailing closer to the Morocco side of the Straits so did not have a good view of Gib. In the morning we played deck quoits and shuffleboard without success.

After lunch in the Pacific Restaurant, for the first time, back for some more quoits . Temperature rising to a comfortable 20 degC. This time better luck we were partnered with another couple. George and the wife of the other couple beat me and the husband in the final. We were past Gibraltar by this time and on our way to Barcelona.

Tonight it's the Captain's cocktail party so it's a chance to get a few free pre dinner G & Ts on P & O. Dress code for dinner tonight is black tie everyone is looking real smart in their finery.

Polished off a bottle of a very nice Côte du Rhone at dinner then had a few more drinks and off to the syndicate quiz. Were invited to join a team of two couples from Wales but did not bring them much luck. Midnight snack at the buffet cafe then off to bed with another day at sea ahead before we reach Barcelona.

Put clocks forward by one hour tonight.
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