Livorno day 2. (Should have been Monte Carlo)

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Livorno, Tuscany, Italy
Was absolutely pouring it down early this morning so I went to get my nails done before braving the elements. We walked up the street a bit and then the thunder and lightning and hailstones started. Fortunately we were under cover and George took a video. It didn't last long and now the sun has come out. Just because we didn't get to Monte Carlo didn't stop us wearing our McLaren tee shirts and jackets. Disappointing but safety always comes first with P&O. Just means we will have to book another cruise to get there another time. George took a video of the storm.

The theme for tonight was 60s/70s but there are not many people joining in . There are not many of us who are dressed up. What a pity. It was fun.
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