At sea just off Alicante

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Alicante, Valencian Country, Spain and Canary Islands
Sailing down the coast of Spain en route to Tangiers. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining and the Med is like a mill pond. We had breakfast and then off to play deck quoits and shuffleboard.
George and partner Lorna won the quoits and I was in the other semi. Both of us in different semis in the shuffleboard but both lost. George was also a losing semi finalist in the afternoon quoits and in the afternoon shuffleboard. In between we had a swim before lunch. Got a few dances after dinner and then up for the syndicate quiz. The question master was not one of the usual people and her questions were rubbish. Suffice to say the winning score was 11/20 and it was not us. The normal winner score has been 16+. Now looking forward to getting ashore in Tangiers. We hope the captain is using a different navigational map from the one showing on the TV in the cabins. The map shows Tangiers almost in Libya!
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