
Monday, June 20, 2016
Kalocsa, Bács-Kiskun, Hungary
This morning we sat on the upper deck with our friends and watched the world go by. Bus picked us up in the afternoon. We drove into Kalocsa where we went into the convent church and listened to an organ recital. We then were taken to a horse farm on the puczta. We got a glass of wine and bread and dripping with sweet paprika. It was actually very tasty. We then saw a show of horsemanship. It was quite fun. Back in time for a last session in the spa and dinner. During dinner we wondered why we were turning round and going back the way. Turned out that one of the passengers had fallen and badly cut himself and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. We have since heard that it wasn't too serious and hopefully he will be able to return for the rest of his holiday.

After dinner we had our usual walk on deck and finished packing and then had a last evening in the lounge with a few cocktails/whiskies and said our goodbyes to our Australian friends most of whom were continuing on as far as Amsterdam. Altogether a very enjoyable holiday made even more enjoyable by the company.

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