At sea on route to Invergordon

Monday, August 08, 2016
Lerwick, Scotland, United Kingdom
We should have been on the way to Lerwick overnight but as the seas were too high it would have been too dangerous to use the tenders. It was force 8 and five and a half metre waves so We stayed at the Faroes and didn't leave till this morning. Going directly to Invergordon. Less stormy today. Waves only 5 metres. However still over force 7 and still quite bumpy so there was no lunchtime buffet today and everyone had to go to the dining room for lunch. No soup served either. It is getting calmer. Just as well because it's a formal night tonight.

Correction . It got worse again. Plates, cups, glasses flying everywhere. I was in the shower when George's shaving foam hit the shower curtain and landed on my foot closely followed by toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash etc.
It's Beaufort 9 with 6.5 metre waves. By tomorrow it will be calmer. They are expecting Beaufort 5 with waves 2.5. It has been quite exciting.
We are in Scott's where we usually have a dance but we have been told no dancing tonight. Too dangerous. There have already been a few falls and 2 code alphas tonight. Just having a drink instead with Marjorie and Rae, our dining table companions. Found out later that the code alphas were because at first sitting dinner some chairs actually went over with people sitting on them and also loads of plates and glasses went flying off tables and smashed. One passenger was actually knocked out. No serious injuries though. By second sitting the glasses had been replaced with plastic tumblers. Not sure if that was purely for safety or because there were no glasses left! Overall quite exciting. Sea bands did their job though. Neither of us felt bad.

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