
Monday, January 02, 2017
Lisbon, Estremadura, Portugal
The last port of call and it was dull this morning as we berthed in Lisbon harbour. Arrival time was too early to go on deck and capture the sights of the Christ the Redeemer statue, the suspension bridge and the Henry the Navigator statue.

Off the boat at half ten and had a leisurely stroll into centre of Lisbon . Ready for a coffee by the time we flitted in an out of the wine shops which were offering tasting of their wares. Plenty of port and Madeira wine to be sampled but we did not buy any.

Fanta and apple filled croissant for Danuta and a coffee and rock cake for me which the shop had labelled as a scone. I had another coffee while Danuta struggled with the lousy Wifi. When we left it had started to rain and so not much else for it but to nip in and out of shops and whatever touristy things were open but not allowed into the Beer Museum.

It was quite miserable by now with off and on showers and blustery so back to the ship stopping at the Duty Free shop just to user their Wifi along with a hundred others.

The route from Lisbon along the Tagus and into the Atlantic was rough. The wind was coming from the south and we were going west, not good rollercoaster and side to side. Got better when we got into the Atlantic and turned right, sorry to starboard, and the wind was right up our ... (stern). Also the rain was chucking it down. By that time a lot of people had gone off to bed.

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