The Last Great Day is an awesome Feast because of what it represents. It is the festival that shows God to be ultimately fair, just and yet merciful. As a teenager, I often wondered about how God could be considered fair if He will condemn people halfway around the world to eternal torment in hell fire just because they never had a chance to understand the truth and follow the way of life Christ lived and taught. It wold be an unjust God to condemn people without giving them an opportunity to know and live the truth.
The Last Great Day symbolizes the resurrection in which God will bring back to life all those who have never had a full chance to understand His truth. He will teach them and give them an opportunity to prove themselves. They will have a second physical life, but a first chance. No one will be condemned without a full opportunity to know and do the truth. There is real hope for those who have died never knowing God or is truth. Having this understanding from the scripture makes this day especially exciting for God's people.
Much more could be said about the meaning of this day, but let's move on for now.
Pam and I had coffee, tea and a granola bar for breakfast this morning. We also tried two soft drinks new to us. Cody & Bobbie had placed these two in our room so we could have a taste of Nigeria. One was called "Maltina" and is a sweet, dark, malt drink. According to the brewer, "Maltina is the smooth, nourishing malt drink with complete richness, fortified with Vitamins and Calcium for healthy families. Maltina remains the category leader with its innovations and message of sharing happiness." While it may have a message or sharing happiness, it is too sweet and almost syrupy to me, and Pam just plain dislikes the taste! The other soft drink - brewed by Guinness Nigeria - is called "Malta" and, according to the bottle is "A unique and delicious non-alcoholic malt drink, packed full of the finest ingredients and added vitamins for that "top of the world" feeling - guaranteed!" While Pam liked this one better than the Maltina, she not planning on going out to buy some anytime soon. But since I like Guinness Extra Stout, I liked this Malta as well. It is not usually available in the US, but Cody told me he can get it from time to time at Jungle Jim's. The next time we're through Cinci, we'll have to stop and see if we can find some at JJ's.
Services began on time this morning. I had the privilege of leading God's people during the hymn portion of the service. It is a great honor to lead God's people in praise to Him and I never want to take it for granted.
The morning sermonette was given by the treasurer of the congregation, Mr. Roderick Smart, who also gave instructions for the offering that was then taken up. I gave a few announcements, then the morning sermon was given by Cody Kitts. Cody did an outstanding job of covering the meaning of this feast day. It is so inspiring to read through the scriptures that teach this truth. The fact that there is real hope for all who have been lost is so very encouraging.
When we broke for lunch we had quite a disappointment. The special foods that we had made arrangements to have were not there! A 'regular' lunch was served instead. When it was brought to his attention, the hotel manager apologized profusely, saying that he thought the special foods were to be cooked for dinner, not lunch. Cody explained that everyone is leaving after the afternoon service and not having dinner here so that everyone can be home before dark. At least we were able to have special drinks with lunch and have quite a few leftover for the brethren to take home - Coca-cola, Sprite, Maltina, Malta, etc. The money that would have been spent on the special foods was put toward other festival expenses.
After lunch all the brethren had to check out of the hotel, so all their luggage was brought down to the meeting hall and placed in the back of the hall. I spoke on the quality of mercy - how the Last Great Day displays God's vast mercy and how we must be known as merciful people. After services, we were able to get a group photo of everyone present. Then the mini buses and taxis were loaded and the brethren went off to their homes. The Feast of Tabernacles 2017 was now history. Pam and I have been richly blessed to spend a portion of the Feast with these delightful brethren.