Nothing as adventurous as our last holiday. When we got back from China we both felt it wasn't really a holiday, more of an expedition so we started looking for something relaxing and sunny for the February. Which is why we are flying to Barbados in December to go on a cruise. It wouldn't be my first choice or even second or third but Fiona has been wanting to try a cruise for some time. It was a good deal as we booked late, basically half price and we have a balcony cabin. The downside is that by booking late we couldn't get any seat upgrades and plus all tbe lounges at the airport were FULL! Which is why we are sitting in The Spinning Jenny having a bacon buttie and a beer, sorry that should read a coffee, although as I look around even though its only 08.00 a fair number of people are obviously thirsty for something stronger than caffeine.
We are cruising the smaller islands on the Adonia which with only 700 passengers is the smallest boat P&O have. The weather forecast is good so at least we shall have sunshine. I have a Kindle full of books plus an iPod full of music so I am set. The ship has satellite internet but the reviews I have read say it is unreliable however we should get wifi whenever we go ashore and find a bar or cafe and 2 of the islands are technically part of France so our phone roaming will work at no additional charge for data etc.
Fiona has been very organised and done all the Christmas shopping and present wrapping and card writing so when we get back on the 16th we won't be panicking about any of those. (As I never do any of that its never a problem for me).
We are on a Virgin Atlantic flight which we haven't been on for a while, one good thing is that our luggage will (hopefully) arrive in our cabin without us having to collect it at the airport. I think we have been lucky in our cabin allocation, we couldn't choose a cabin except for paying for a balcony but we are on deck B at the back of the ship, this is one below the top deck that has cabins so we are not close to the waterline.
We have 4 formal nights so I have had to pack my tuxedo which hasn't see the light of day for a few years, but it still fits and I have practised doing my bow tie with the help of You Tube although I have a button on one just in case.
I am only missing one home game which is this Saturday but it gives Zack the chance to go with Huw although I do wonder if he enjoys the pre-game lunch in The Jumbo Cafe more than the match!
The ship (or is it boat?) has a decent gym but looking at all the other people in the lounge where we are now sat I somehow think it won't be busy.
Stephen sunners
So you are a cruise virgin ? Enjoy Jackie and are into 30 plus cruises and had a tour of the bridge on our last cruise and a bottle of bubbly and other goodies for having done the most cruises last week ( just back from Caribbean today )let me know how the ship is we do like the smaller ships see you in January - Stephen
Chris W
The comment about the gym made Sue and me laugh! She's been pestering me about going on a cruise, so I look forward to reading your blog with interest when we get back from our long weekend at Nuremberg Christmas market on Monday. Have a good time.
Bon voyagee!
Stephen Sunners
The mention of the gym reminded me that whilst at the bridge talking to the captain he mentioned that the ship was due new life jackets and I mentioned that it was a little struggle getting into mine - the captain said not to worry as it looked like I didn't really need one
Enjoy, it’s about time you looked after Fiona. I’d be interested to know if you can still get into your DJ’s after all the cruise food, breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack etc etc
Hope it's not a boat, they are submarines