Not Quite In Grenada Yet

Saturday, December 02, 2017
We woke early, about 05.20 but of course that was 09.20 in terms of our body clock. We opened the curtains and watched the sky lighten over the horizon as the sun rose. Sunrise was just after 06.00. We were travelling south east towards Grenada, the sea was very calm although you can feel the motion of the boat. We decided to explore a bit before breakfast so went up to the promenade deck, you have to do 14 laps to do a mile. The Conservatory opened at 06.30 for Continental breakfast so we went there and grabbed a coffee and sat outside at the back of the boat, even at that time the sun was warm. I had some fruit and Fiona had a danish pastry. We then went to have a look at the gym, there were several people there already but its spacious and well equipped. A yoga class was about to start with just 1 person so Fiona decided to join in whilst I headed back to the room. Not 5 minutes later she was back, the small nominal charge was £7.50 and her Welshness had kicked in. 
By 08.30 we were ready for proper breakfast, porridge and kippers for me, Fiona had some fruit and muesli. The cooked breakfasts looked good, no American style crispy bacon here! We might just stick to the Conservatory for breakfast, they bring out the cooked stuff at around 07.00 buffet style, rather than the formal waiter service breakfast we had this morning.
Fiona decided to go to the stretching and suppleness class at 09.30 (free!) and so I decided to go to the gym, felt a bit strange pedalling away on bike looking out to sea. There is a good selection of free weights and machines so I was able to do my normal routine. I got back to the room about 10.45, Fiona was feeling a little bit queasy and her colour wasn't good so she decided to make some peppermint tea but before she could start it she was sick, luckily she was in the loo by this point. The irony of it, Fiona wanting to go on a cruising holiday being seasick and me not keen on boats feeling fine! She improved a bit after losing her breakfast, I said it was a shame she hadn't at least enjoyed a full cooked breakfast! She went to sit in the fresh air  on the balcony whilst I turned the TV onto the Sports channel, the Chelsea match had been on earlier, the 15.00 showcase match was Brighton vs Liverpool, the later match I think is Arsenal vs Man Utd. So hopefully I will be able to watch the derby next weekend. I have brought my new glasses with me which I collected last week, have finally gone for varifocals so its an ideal opportunity to get used to them. Fiona in the meantime is trialling contact lenses.
After the match finished we went for lunch via the gym as Fiona wanted to weigh herself. A good choice at the buffet lunch although Fiona didn't eat much, neither did I but I am trying to show restraint out of choice not necessity. We went back to the room via reception where Fiona bought some anti seasickness tablets, missing the first 10 minutes of the game I missed both of United's early goals. We had full sun on our balcony so Fiona sat out and had a snooze whilst I watched the game. Huw had sent me a text saying Everton had won although I had seen that on the TV, hopefully we can put on a good show at the derby. 
So far I am enjoying myself, more so than Fiona given she's been ill.

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Dave Hallett

Glad you’re having a great time Liverpool put another 7 in tonight so it’s looking good for us in the derby!


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