Last night was a formal night starting with a reception by the captain (i.e. a free drink, Fiona stuck to orange juice!). Dinner was good. Because we booked late we are on a table that seats 6 but so far there have only been 4 of us, the other couple are from near Windsor and a bit younger than us and quite good company thankfully. We were finished before 20.45 and although there were various entertainment options and bars etc. Fiona just wanted to go to sleep. We left the curtains open and so woke about 06.00 as it got light as we headed into Grenada. We went for a coffee but I succumbed and had a bacon toastie as well. We then went to the top deck at the front to watch us dock alongside Britannia which had either docked last night or earlier this morning. As we finished docking passengers started getting off Britannia and walking the short distance to the exit to pick up a bus for the P+O organised cruises. People were also getting water taxis to go to one of the many beaches. We the had second breakfast and then got our gear together and got off the boat, you get your card scanned by the crew getting off but getting into Grenada we were not checked at all, in fact I'd left our passports in the safe, we'd also left our map behind. You exit via a shopping mall basically, we turned right and walked up the hill towards Fort George but then down the other side to the Carenage which is a large bay. There wasn't much there and what there was was shut, except for the churches of which there were many, they were open and full. There were plenty of people around touting trips and taxi rides but we were happy to just stroll around but it was getting hotter and hotter. We slowly made our way back stopping at a small supermarket to buy some cans of tonic water then back through the mall, the Immigration staff checked we had cruise card tickets but there was no body scanner or scanning of bags, that was done as we got back on the boat. Fiona was still feeling queasy and glad to get out of the heat. It was still only 11.00!
In the afternoon after lunch we sunbathed for a while on the top deck, it was quite cloudy but 30C with a breeze so pleasant, in full sun it would have been too much. I hit the gym for some rowing and weights for an hour or so. After that it was time for a shower and to bet ready for the evening meal. We were finished by 20.30 and Fiona didn't want to go to the nights entertainment, a Tribute to The London Palladium, so it was back to the cabin.