Quick version. Got up, had breakfast, went into the town, came back had lunch, sunbathed, went to the gym, had dinner, went to bed.
Longer version. We sailed into the harbour at Castries this morning, Castries is the capital of St Lucia. We have been to the island twice before and travelled through Castries as the main airport is right at the south of the island and we stayed in a resort right at the the north end. As we sailed in we could see that the P+O liner Azura was already in her berth, we sailed in slowly beyond her and then slowly sidled up to our berth and we were toed up by 07.30. We had breakfast out on deck again in the sunshine with Azura behind us and then we could see the Costa Majica sailing in, once in the harbour that ship did a 180 degree turn in her own space and then berthed, quite an impressive thing to watch such a big ship manoeuvring in such a small space.
We put some washing in but it hadn't finished before we wanted to leave so we just left it going. It was a decent walk into the town of about 1250 metres negotiating past the taxi drivers, the walk was about 400 metres longer than it needed to be as we had to go back on ourselves as they would only let us out via the duty free shop complex and not through a side gate. It was already very hot with very little cloud. The markets were in full swing as you would expect with 3 liners in port, we walked around for a while and then stopped in a small bar on the water side for a cooling beer and to catch up with email on the wifi. Fiona was still feeling a bit guilty at being away whilst it was Huw's birthday, I'm sure he had a good day anyway.
We then walked back, sorted out the now finished washing and sat in our room in the cool air for a while before going for lunch. It was too hot to sit outside so we sat inside, Fiona had a curry again! I stuck to salad. After that it was up to the top deck for some serious sunbathing, around 16.00 I went to the gym and did some weights and 5000m on the rower, I'm taking just over 23 minutes to do that but aim to get that down to perhaps 21.5 by the end of January if I can get 3 or 4 rows in every week. Even with gloves its rough on the hands and they need to toughen up a bit, also if anyone has done any amount of rowing there is also somewhere else a blister develops!
Tomorrow its Bequia, a small island of 7 square miles and 5000 people.
Photos, the travel blog is up and running, ha ha I’m guessing that you’ve seen lots of damage from earlier hurracane or did it miss these area? Well you’ll be watching the fat controller with his team tonight I guess