So it looks like we are leaving the UK at a good time with snow expected tomorrow. I'd left Fiona at home yesterday morning doing her packing whilst I went alone for our usual Sunday morning walk from New Brighton to Seacombe Ferry and back. When I bought my coffee at the cafe at the ferry terminal the lady asked where Fiona was, we go there that often we are on first name terms. I managed to do my packing in under an hour in between the afternoon's football matches. With a 13.10 flight it was quite a leisurely morning today, up as normal at 07.00, OK normal for Fiona, an hour early for me. We were ready to leave at 09.00 which was too early so we wasted a bit of time tidying a few things. The Meet and Greet at Terminal 1 was quiet except they hadn't shifted the cars from the entry lanes so we were asked to just find a space and let them know where we had left the car. It's quite busy around the airport with roadworks and then at the airport itself there is a fair amount of work going on. We managed to check in very quickly, there was not much of a queue but there was a very efficient chap hustling people to the various check in counters.
Just after we had booked the holiday I had upgraded our seats in economy to extra legroom seats for all the flights, also these seats are 2 together rather than in a bank of 3 or 4. But on Saturday I checked in online for the flight to Dubai and then onto Bangkok and it gave me an option to upgade to Business for the leg from Dubai so I did that without telling Fiona. The leg to Dubai was already full in business. The final leg leaves Dubai at around 03.00 local time which is 23.00 UK so that fits in quite well. Whilst droppng our bags off the check in clerk nearly gave the game away but luckily Fiona had turned away and didn't quite catch what had been said except that our seats were not adjacent but one behind the other and I managed to explain that away. Keeping it secret has been a task as I had to get into her email account and delete the emails from Emirates as she is the first name on the whole booking, I then had to add the boarding pass to her iPhone Wallet app whilst she was doing something else.
Its funny in a way as on the way to the airport we had been talking about something that had been on the radio I think about someone not telling their spouse something and she commented that would be just like me to keep something secret.
We were not able to check in online or at the airport for the flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai so when we get to Bangkok we will have to get boarding cards there but we have enough time. Its annoying as the flight is a code share, we had this problem with Cathay when we went to China last year. But at least our bags are checked in all the way.
Fiona has bought herself something to eat from Pret, I'm OK with the airline food.
Well unlike David and Fiona Jackie and are returning back fromBerlin ( minus 7 during the day dropping to minus 11 overnight ) to the UK in time for the terrible weather - the only good point being I won’t be driving up to Scotland this week- enjoy your trip