The Burger Bites Back

Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Mueang Krabi, กระบี่, Thailand
I couldn't settle all night despite being whacked, just felt bloated and nauseous. Then around 07.00 this morning it was my turn to be sick, again luckily the bathroom was reached in time, no more details. After that I felt better but tired. We went down to breakfast about 09.00 but I could only manage some water and dry toast. We then headed back to the room via the north face of the Eiger, less able bodied would struggle I think, especially in this heat, we unpacked, did some washing and crashed out on our sun beds on the balcony. Spent most of the day reading and dozing on the sun bed, not in direct sun but still very hot and humid. By 17.00 I was feeling better and we decided to risk the monkey trail walk into Ao Nang, the first part is a fairly steep wooden staircase with bamboo handrails then a flat bit and then another staircase down. Basically it just takes you over the headland, at very low tide it is possible to walk around but you have to be lucky with tide times and heights. It brings you out at Ao Nang beach and there are a series of beach bars, restaurants and massage places until you hit the town proper, its a good 20 minute walk but we weren't hurrying mainly because I wasn't able to. We strolled through the town looking at the various stalls, bars, restaurants and shops. A different vibe here compared to the north, more commercialised and more expensive. We ended up in a bar for a drink and Fiona thought she could manage something to eat, I settled on a coke whilst Fiona had a tonic water with some chicken wings, I just was not hungry. We had nibbled on some fresh pineapple that was given to us free along with a massage price list at the first place on the beach. A lot of them offer free soft drinks and coffee and fruit.
We then strolled back through the town and back along the beach, there had been a few loud thunderclaps and on on the beach you could see the lightning, it started to rain just as we got on the monkey trail, big drops of rain and although we got wet it stopped before we were drenched and in this heat it dries on you quickly. 
We were back before 20.00, an early night for the old folk then sat on the balcony watching the lightning over the ocean for a while.
The only wildlife we saw on the monkey trail was of the human kind, the trail is through the edge of a national park area and we had to sign out as we left and then back in again on our return - perhaps they have people go missing? The worst part of the walk was the final bit before the beach shops, a creek running down but stopping just short of going into the ocean is basically an open sewer, not pleasant.
We have had a monkey (a macaque I think) in the tree outside our balcony and we have monkey locks on our doors to make them more secure, apparently sliding doors they can manage but not the hook locks as they can't reach them from the floor. As you might expect Fiona just loves wildlife.
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