Not Much To Report

Sunday, March 11, 2018
ตำบล อ่าวนาง, กระบี่, Thailand
Hotel is Ok. Good WIFI, breakfast very good. Large room with very effective air con! View over the ocean. Only seen 1 monkey so far and 1 monitor lizard,plenty of small geckos. 
It's hot, it's very hot.
Local town about 25 minute walk away, first part over a rickety staircase, 95 steps up along a bit and 160 steps down then along a beach front. Mostly Indian restaurants! More expensive than north Thailand. Very good curry last night!
Did I mention it was very hot? It was slightly cooler this morning I thought unless we are becoming acclimatised. After only seeing 1 monkey the first few days a family group took up residence in our mango tree yesterday and used Fiona as target practice with bits of mango they didn't want.
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