Kagoshima Environs Days 4-8

Sunday, April 14, 2019
Kagoshima, Kagoshima, Japan
Saturday 30/3
Easy start outside hotel at 8:45am for a visit to Meiji Restoration Museum Kagoshima-shi 
see  https://www. japanvisitor.com/japan-museums/ishinkan
We sat in the theatrette for two audiovisual shows the first about the Meiji period and the second about the Satsuma students who were sent to England to learn Western technology.
We heard later that it was this part of Japan that resisted any takeover of Japan by the US or the UK at the beginning of the Meiji period.
A local bus trip to our next destination. Bus packed for most of the 50 minutes journey. Many were going to the same place the Sengan gardens which amongst other features had a great view of Sakurajima Japan’s largest active volcano
Just finished a great Japanese style lunch at a new restaurant in the Gardens. Nine little dishes with one hot dish (heated by single candle).
We had a couple of hrs to visit the museum and digest the meal and then a taxi ride to the ferry point to Sakurajima Island.
A lovely sunny afternoon (20) Short taxi to the Visitors Centre where we saw a film about the volcano together with a quick inspection of the exhibits. Sakurajima has had 29 ‘eruptions’ this year.
After such a big lunch Leith & I shared a bento box back at the hotel room with a couple of ‘one cups’ - sake in a glass - We have busy day tomorrow.
Sunday 31/3
Train ride through the mountains. civilised start of 9:30am
We catch a local train Hayatonokaze # 2 which takes us to Yoshimatsu A two hr trip
Typical Japanese tourist train with large windows and with Japanese dialogue every now and again. It only runs at weekends and public holidays and was full.
Lovely sunny day but I gather 11C outside
We are going through forest and villages a few houses with solar cells.
Stopped at Kareigawa lovely cherry blossom around the platform.
Other stations not as scenic.
Arrived at Yoshimatsu for about 1/2 hr break before joining another local scenic train to Hitoyoshi about an 80 mins journey.
Considered to be one of great scenic trips the train has several photo stops and a couple of zigzags to gain/lose height
Another full train We were sitting in view of a TV monitor which shows the drivers view. Ok when the train was going forward since the window view matched the direction of the TV but not so good when going backwards since then the window view was different to the TV.
Our next train was the steam train from Hitoyoshi to Kumamoto, another tourist train and again packed. Today being Sunday
Observation car each end which was occupied mostly by children.
see https://jprail.com/destinations/kyushu-area/local-train-izaburo-shinpei.html
Followed a river valley for awhile. Then the line punched through the hillside to follow another valley. Steep sided covered by various pine trees and occasionally a brilliant white/pink cherry tree. River varied one section lots of water then obviously a weir then only about 20% flow.
Changed trains again for a Shinkansen for the last link to Kagoshima. Arrived back about 6:00pm
Dinner at restaurant near station. Dinner was a chicken BBQ fairly basic
Monday 1/4
Leisurely breakfast, left hotel just after nine. So time for a coffee.
Local train to Ibusuki about a 90min trip
https://www. japan-guide.com/e/e4677.html
Another sunny day but about 9C and a 10km wind
Arrived at our Ryokan, our home for the next two nights A large resort on a beach with an associated museum which had an excellent display of 18-19C of ceramics.
Lunch was also at the restaurant served Italian; spaghetti with meat sauce served very stylishly..
We then had time for a sand bath.
This is where you lie down on a bed of hot sand. You lie on your back with your hands alongside your body. You are then covered with about 5cm of hot black sand. I think it would be about 35C - fairly hot but not excessive. The recommended time was 10 mins but we got out after about 8. Leith could join at the sand bath and we have a photo to prove it.
In the same complex is a big Onsen which I managed to get into. My first for some time and very relaxing it is too
Seven O’clock we needed to find the special dining room for a Japanese banquet. We were sat at desks with Western type chairs. We were in two rows about 3m apart so conversation was a little difficult.
The was excellent consisting of about eight courses. See Photos
Tuesday 2/4
9:00am start. Bus to take us to the Chiran (Samurai) Gardens and the Kamikaze Museum
Sunny day but about 9c
On the way detoured to look at main fuel tank storage for Japan because the driver thought we might be interested. 
Soon afterwards we arrived at the Chiran Gardens which are collection of small gardens started by Samurai - when they weren’t fighting - the first about mid 1700’s. About seven they are either side of street which has no power lines or cars only tourists so very peaceful.
Our next stop was the Chiran Peace Museum set up to commemorate the Kamakaze (now known Tokko) pilots. The main airfield from which they took off was situated here in Chiran
The building is surrounded by many cherry trees which looked lovely in their pink blossom. It has been expanded sine we were last here about 15 years ago
Lots of green tea fields protected by fans mounted on poles - to avoid frost. This area produces about 27% of Japan’s requirements.
Our last stop for the afternoon was Kagoshima Flower Park. A lovely large garden set on the side of a hill. The brochure doesn’t say how big it is (subsequently told 36.7 hectares) but a little courtesy bus took 30min to drive around. We walked into a butterfly hot house with a dozen or so black & white ones flying around.
Back to resort about 4:00pm time for a relaxing onsen till our next banquet at 7:00pm
Somewhat similar to the previous night with seven or so courses but this time the main dish shabu shabu style i.e. a pot of boiling water in which we put various vegetables and a couple of slices of thinly cut meat. Delicious
Our second night on the futon. While close to the floor the head of the futon was close to a  table which made it easier to get down and up.
Wednesday 3/4
This time an 8:30 start another sunny but cold day. We are on our way to Okayama via the Kintaiko Bridge.
Owen organised us to catch another train to avoid doing an up and over with luggage. This was a local commuter which was a bit slower.
The train route hugged the coastline which was very pretty however just as I pulled the camera out we would go through a tunnel.
We are on our way to Okayama for two nights taking five trains to get there. We spend a couple of hours at Shin-Iwakuni to the famous Kintaiko bridge. More later.
Changed to a Shinkansen bound for Yamaguchi. Just had time to buy lunch before boarding.
Another Shinkansen just for 30min ride to Iwakuni where we changed to a local bus for a 30 min trip to Kintaiko Bridge. This five arch bridge first built in the 1675 and has been rebuilt many times. It is magnificent at this time of year. Crossing bridge there are many older cherry trees along one side of the river.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintai_Bridge
We returned to Iwakuni where Takako had been minding the luggage while were inspecting the bridge. We caught the Shinkansen to Okayama where we stay for the next two nights



I looked in vain for a picture of the sand bath!


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