Arrived about 2pm to be met by Alex and Willem with whom we had a drink no need for lunch as we had had 'breakfast' on the plane only a few hours earlier.
Cold ~8d we managed to go for a walk in the dark since sunset appeared to be about 1630hrs
Nice dinner at the hotel
Next day was the whole day at the Rijksmuseum. This a good choice since it was raining quite heavily at the time we got the taxi. The museum reopened last year after a long restoration period.
We started at level 1 (early Netherlands history) took us about 2 hrs to see just half of the exhibits, then it was time for lunch, by this time the place was getting quite busy.
Level 2 is the main gallery I would say 80-90m long with alcoves along each side each being about 15m wide, at one end is the magnificent 'Night Watch' now beautifully restored in fact not dark at all. Then a walk around some side galleries and it was time to go home. We only saw 1/2 of level 2
Dinner back at the hotel, since it was cold and wet out.
Next day we were instructed to catch the 1146 train to Gouda ~46min so that Willem could meet us.
Please go to the next blog
Rijksmuseum all day
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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