Day One Trondeim
Lovely day but 0C no snow on pavements
Left luggage and bussed to the Nidaros Cathedral
We had been before but this time far less tourists. Owen had organised a guide who gave us a potted history and we were just in time for a recital on the Steinmeyer organ. This was put on for about 50 primary school kids, the keyboard was was down at our level so we had a couple genuine pieces (Bach Toccata & Fugue) and superb demonstration of the organist controlling two sets of pipes, one at the end and the other in the middle. We were sitting between the two. It was the first time I had stereophonic organ music.
I subsequently bought a CD of music played on the Organ which the one on the end whereas the on in the middle is the Wagner Organ which is much older.
Outside the Cathedral is a complex which has the Archbishop's Palace. The bit we saw had an excellent summary of the Norway monarchy over the ages plus Norway's crown jewels only two crowns - one for him and one for her plus the orb and sceptre. All very impressive.
Then a short walk to the Decorative Arts Museum known as the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum
This had an excellent display of different tapestries, wall hangings made with different fabrics. Downstairs was an excellent collection of 19th C furniture including some excellent Art Nouveau pieces
Day Two Trondheim
9:00am start. Light rain, bus ride with guide around Trondheim then up to viewing point for a view of the city. Rather spoilt by the heavy cloud and light rain. In the suburbs patchesi of snow which had been cleared off the road and pavement.
Drove up to the ski field just out of the city but had to turn back because of ice on the road.
The a drive to Olaf Hospital and training area Technical University built 1900's ntnu very impressive building
Then to Kristiansten Fortress built in1683
Walk thru old part of town. Bus picked up at the of about 300m walk through the old part of the town A number of us stayed on the bus. Despite the light rain most locals did not use umbrellas
Our next stop was the Ringve Museum
We appeared to have the same guide as from 10 years ago, we remembered him since he addressed us as 'Dear Guests'
He took us around a temporary exhibition, this consisted of a number of rooms the first showing Church music with a couple of 17c a couple showing how people had music in their home - harpsichords and clavichords he played on a couple, finally into a room made to look like a garden with some beautiful glass wind chimes
We another soup and bread lunch just as good as the first in Bergen.
We then had about 45 minutes to visit their main exhibition of instruments from all over the world. Some cases had a button so you could hear the sound of instruments displayed. We could have spent all day there.
The bus took us back to the city for our vintage tram ride from St Olavs Gate to Lian. This took about 30m. Lian is an outer suburb in the hills about 280m higher than the city. Short visit into the tram museum then back to St Olavs Gate and a taxi back to the hotel arriving about 4:30pm
Tomorrow we enter Sweden for a couple days. This will be in the next blog.
Trondheim Two days
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Trondheim, Trondelag, Norway
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