Travel Day, Castle and Best Dinner in France

Friday, August 28, 2015
Aix-en-Provence - Update #7, Provence, France
We left Aix-in-Provence today. The hotel had been tremendous. I tipped the bellman/car jockey well. He deserved it. Worked hard for us. The only problem was the bill had an extra breakfast (Petite dejeune) on it that we had not consumed. No problem, lady took it off the bill. I had paid for the room on prior to our visit. I am becoming a fan based on room rates I saw at the front desk. We got a good deal.   

We headed to the BP station for gas (diesel) same guy we had seen the first time we filled up and he recognized us with a friendly "Bonjour Mon Ami." I thanked him for his help as Sandy bought a Coke Light. And then we were on the road to Carcassone.

We stopped at the "Aire" which is the French word for "Oasis." It's better than our rest areas in the States because it has fuel, restrooms and almost every type of food you can imagine. Think about tollway oasis in the States. Many people from France bring their own food and just picnic. Strange to us, but it works.  

I had picked Carcassone only because it was near a couple of things we wanted to see (Rennes-le-Chateau and Coulierre), but as I looked at what to do there, I found it to be a very good choice. It's a medieval city with a castle, church, etc, all within walls. Think of Williamsburg, Mt. Vernon, and Dollyworld (without the rides). And it's every kids dream of junk shops (swords, helmets, shields, etc.) ice cream shops, restaurants, all co-mingled with a chamber of torture, etc. You name it, it was there. Sandy noted the kids in the strollers might not enjoy it as much as the parents pushing them over the cobblestone streets. Just think of their little heads bouncing up and down and side to side. No wonder they throw up!  

We stopped for lunch and ordered the half chicken...the waiter (and I love this) asked, "Left or right?" He got me for a moment! Then he winked at me and said, "I kid." My kind of humor! Couple sitting next to us were great to talk to. He was French (from Alsace) and she was Lithuanian. They had met on line. Wonderful couple. He had worked in the oil industry in Houston for 5 years. English was very good. Loved to ski...Denver. Other cities he loved were SF and SD. She wants to start a children's clothing line. They will be married next year. Neat couple.   

 Of course, Sandy found the shops! We had missed the last tour in English, so headed back to the hotel. Great hotel. Wonderful room! Just at the foot of the entrance to the castle. Pretty inexpensive as you can imagine...well, maybe not (sorry kids!). Went swimming in the pool for a while and then relaxed.   

I blogged while Sandy slept. Have you picked up yet that when I blog, I am usually at the bar?Bar tender told us a great place to eat inside the city. Le Comte Roger. She was correct. Best meal we have had in France so far.       

We walked back to our hotel and slept. It was a good transition from Aix-en-Provence to Carcassone. Only 3-4 more days in the beautiful country.

Take care my friends and family!

Dave & Sandy 

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