Up early and off to breakfast...great breakfast...anything you want, they got. Then at 8:45 disembarked to a little town called Wurzburg. Beautiful little mideivel town which was important from the 13th Century forward. Seems they had a Bishop there who was also the governor. Talking about raking in the money. He built himself a palace modeled after Versailles in Paris. Beautiful. Didn't much care for our tour guide, so we drifted to another group and that tour guide was excellent. Young, intelligent, energetic and had a love for her town and telling the history of it. What we didn't realize is that we fell into the "Green Group" of tourists from our ship. The "Green Group" is for "gentle walkers." That is a nice name for the "old people." However, we didn't mind and they didn't mind haviing us either. And the guide was just outstanding. Took some good-natured ribbing from some of our Aussie friends though...all in good fun!
Walked back to the ship and were on board by about 12:30
. As we lunched, we sailed toward Bamberg...tomorrow's destination.
We just sat on the front of the boat and watched the world go by in the afternoon. Thought about my good buddy in the BTC, Kate Main, wondering if her husband had relatives who lived on the Main (pronounced Mine). Or she may have too...maiden name was Birkenbeil...sounds German to me. Also because we saw a map of Bayern (Bavaria)...and she lives in Gibson City where the Bayern Shtube restaurant is located...Bayern Shtube means Bavarian House.
More and more people on the banks, being close to the weekend. Lots of people waved to us. Saw four people on the bank sunning themselves...stark naked! Interesting.
We had a talk in the lounge from our Cruise Director, Dragan about other river ship tours we could take with Avalon. Yea, somewhat of a sales pitch, but well done. We'll see about other trips, but this one has been nothing short of outstanding!
Back to the room to do what all retired people do
...took a nap!
Headed to dinner with Bob and Monica from Australia and a couple of Kiwi's (New Zealanders). Great time. Great dinner.
Then we headed up to the front of the boat (outside) to watch the world go by and have a beer. Lots of friendly people out on the banks this evening. It doesn't get dark until 10:00 pm or so. All the little kids love to wave at us, and we always wave back! We sat and talked and watched the scenery for a long time. Not sure I've had a more relaxing vacation. This is just wonderful.
We have passed through more than 35 locks now. Only 33 more to go. But I don't tire of watching the guys on the boat throw the rope up, tie it off, let the water take us up and then untie and off we go again toward another lock. I think I've said this before, but the shore is so close....I'm sure I could swim across it. And I'm not sure how the captain keeps it in the channel, except for the sonar.
We've met some exceptional people on board. Most we like, some we tolerate. Almost all the Aussie's are great people. Met 15 people from Wisconsin earlier, and today, two from Sproingfield, Missouri. Missouri State fans, but I won't hold that against them! But I just might wear my Redbird hat and shirt tomorrow!!!
Blog and bed. Hate to be redundant, but these days are all the same and all just fantastic!!!
Take care my friends!
Dave & Sandy
Just Another Day in Paradise
Friday, June 29, 2012
Maine River, Germany, Germany
Other Entries
1And we're off...
Jun 209 days priorChicago/On The Plane and Amsterdam, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 2 -
2It Was The Best of Times and The Worst of Times
Jun 236 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 2 -
3What a Fantastic Day!!!
Jun 254 days priorCologne, Germanyphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 2 -
4Great Day Cruising and in Cologne
Jun 263 days priorRhine River, Germanyphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 0 -
5The Best Day of our Trip Yet!!!
Jun 272 days priorRhine River, Germanyphoto_camera37videocam 0comment 0 -
6Nice Relaxing Day
Jun 281 day priorMainz River, Germanyphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
7Just Another Day in Paradise
Jun 29Maine River, Germanyphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 1 -
8Hot Day/Cool Day
Jul 012 days laterNuremberg, Germanyphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
9Great Couple of Days
Jul 034 days laterLinz, Austriaphoto_camera46videocam 0comment 0 -
10Melk Abbey, Wachau Valley, Duernstein & Vienna
Jul 056 days laterVienna, Austriaphoto_camera50videocam 0comment 0 -
11Never Been to Slovakia Before
Jul 067 days laterBratslavia, Slovakiaphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 2 -
12Budapest, Hungary
Jul 089 days laterBudapest, Hungaryphoto_camera34videocam 0comment 0 -
13Three Days in Budapest, Then Home
Jul 1112 days laterBudapest, Hungaryphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
14I Just Uploaded Pictures
Jul 1516 days laterBloomington, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 2

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Dirk Nowitzki was born and raised in Wurzburg!