I actually stole that title from our friend Barb Haab! She sent us a nice note saying, "Welcome to Paradise!" I think she could be right! What a great day and a wonderful place.
We were up about 8:30
. Got a call from the concierge about 9:10 saying no need to get a reservation for golf. On a day like today, just walk on and they will take care of you. He was correct.
Breakfast was great little place called Glazed Donuts. Guess what they serve? Right! Glazed donuts and drinks only. Homemade donuts. The girl was making some as we came in. Sandy, half a dozen donut holes. Me, apple/almond fritter. Both good choices.
Walked back to our hotel and about time for Sandy's spa. God bless our daughter Laura...she called ahead and paid for a spa treatment for Sandy. Now that's a good daughter. And I headed out to play golf on the "Southernmost Golf Course" in the US. A course called Key West Golf Club. A bit expensive, especially when you throw in club rental. I brought shoes, balls, tees, glove and range finder. Got there about 11:30 and got right on with a local named Jason. However, the guy who got my rental clubs and cart was Nick...guess where he was from? Carol Stream, Illinois and had graduated from Lincoln College in Normal. Small world...but as I say, I wouldn't want to paint it. As I headed to the tee to catch Jason, he said, "Go Redbirds!" Made me feel at home. His uncle runs the place and he's been down here helping him for three years. Cool.
Caught Jason and started playing with him
. Hacked it up with my rental clubs the front nine, and then played pretty well on the back. Great fun. Had a cold beer in the clubhouse afterwards and headed back to pick up Sandy. She wanted to cruise the island (key) by car.
Ran up and down several quaint streets in Key West including the main drag, Duval Street. Some interesting things and characters in this town. Saw the bouy that is the "Southernmost Point" in the US. Pictues, of course. Saw Hemmingway's house. Cool.
Back to the resort and a couple beers at the bar and a pina colada for Sandy. Say what? She never drinks. Guess she really is on vacation! Went to our room for the 6:04 sunset. Supposedly the finest sunsets in the US. It did not dissapoint.
As we got closer to sunset, all the sailboats headed out on their cruises. Beautiful sight. Got some great pictures of the sunset from the balcony of our room. What a great place. What a great experience. As the sun set, people cheered and applauded, like they were proud of the sun for setting. Funny, but I felt the same way. As I said in my opening, I am usually the cheapo who opts for the Holiday Inn Express. But this time, figured....you know we may not get back here again, so let's do it right. And, as I always say, "If I don't spend it, the kids will." Our balcony is the ideal spot to watch the sun set at Key West
. Awesome! I'll post the pictures when I get home. They are tremendous. Some of them picture post card-worthy!
The sailboats gave us an idea. As we headed out for dinner we stopped by Pat, the concierge to ask about dinner options and book a sunset cruise tomorrow on a three-masted schooner. Looking forward to it. When we gave our name to the concierge, he said, "That name's golden around here." And I asked, "Why?" He said, "Are you related to Pat Colee?" I said, "Not that I know of." He said, "Pat owns this and all the other hotels in the Noble Group." So suddenly, I'm hoping Pat Colee is my long lost Uncle!!! Make that long lost RICH Uncle! May never know, but I'll leave him some of my "Dave Colee" golf tees and my address in case he makes it to Bloomington, IL. Now, that's a small world.
We walked about 5-6 blocks to a placed called Conch Republic Seafood. I was skeptical at first. Seemed a but touristy. But then I saw their "Snapper Wellington." Looked marvelous. After devouring a half dozen oysters on the half shell, I had most of the snapper wellington. Probably one of the best fish dishes I have ever had. Just a ball of crab and snapper encased in a thin bread dough. Shut the front door!!! It was outstanding!
Had to walk a while to get that off our hips. Made the trek up Duval Street checking out the shops, the bars, the restaurants and the very interesting people! Seems almost all restaurants/bars have live entertainment
. (Even Conch Republic Seafood had it.)
Made it back to our hotel and up to our room. Tomorrow's agenda. Well, we were thinking about a trip to The Dry Tortugas. What's that you say? A small group of islands 70 miles west of Key West which is filled with history. (Warning: History lesson coming!) The Dry Tortugas is a group of islands discovered by Ponce de Leon (same guy who discovered and explored Florida). The US government made it into a fort and eventually a prison in the 19th Century. In fact, Dr. Samuel Mudd (Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?)....the doctor who set the broken leg of John Wilkes Booth and served 20 years in prison for it....served it in the Dry Tortugas. Incidentally, the CBS News Reporter and Anchor Roger Mudd was a distant relative of Dr. Samuel Mudd (Mudd was eventually pardoned.) Anyway, not doing it. Too expensive and takes too much time.
So what are we going to do tomorrow before the sunset cruise? Sounds like a read by the pool day. We'll see.
I'm sure I've bored you sufficiently!
All the best to you my friends and family!!!
Welcome to Paradise!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Key West, Florida, United States
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Uncle Johnny
Never know where you will show up - had no idea the Keys were on your agenda, but glad you & Sandy are having such a great time. Just don't forget, Phoenix and Sun City West in March.
Love to you both.