Slept in this morning. We got up at the crack of 10:00 am and headed for breakfast. We were told of a place on Greene Street called Pepe's that was good. Local, not the national chain. It was about 5-6 blocks. Hole in the wall place. Waited for 15 minutes get seated and then about 20 before getting food. Excellent. Sandy had a bagel and I had the steak omelet. Both very good.
Needed to walk that off, so walked to the end of Duvall Street (the main drag in Key West), and back again
. However, we stopped at a small Irish Pub and had a drink...not so much for the drink, but we both had to "see a man about a horse." You know what I mean. Worked out well. Nice lady named Sharka waited on us. An iced tea (because the Diet Coke was flat) and a Yuengling, and visits to the restrooms and we were on our way.
It was almost 2:00 pm when we got back. Sandy read and I did what all red blooded retired Americans do...I took a nap!
Up about 3:30 and on our way to our boat for our sunset cruise. It was the American 2.0. Great sailing ship. I'll send you the pics. Great. Waited to board and then the folks who sat next to us were from Naperville,IL. And the folks on the other side were two towns away from Haddonfield, NJ, where Laura works. Small world.
Great sailing voyage on a triple masted ship. Can't imagine how our ancestors came from overseas to America on ships like this for 2-3 months. Not me. They served champagne...OK!
Sandy had a Diet Coke. Got my picture taken driving the boat. Didn't hit anything!!!
All of a sudden it got very cloudy and the sun set behind clouds about 30 minutes before it was supposed to set on the horizon. Oh well. Fun trip anyway. And then the crew came around and passed out rain parkas....just in, they knew something. It started raining and rained on us all the way back to port. No biggie....just another adventure. We took it in stride! The walk back to our hotel was wet and slippery.
After recuperating from the rain, we were hungry and headed to Sloppy Joes Bar. Sandy was determined to have sloppy joe. And we did. They were excellent. And the band, while being more than a bit obscene was very good and very funny. I think they offended every race, religion and national origin in the world. But the people loved them.
Then we headed up Duvall Street to a place called Willie Ts. We have passed by this place several times in the time we have been here and they have without a doubt the best live music we have heard in Key West. This guy tonight was nothing short of outstanding! Oldies, new songs, country, you name it, he sang it and sang it well.
Home, blog and bed. Only a couple more days left here in Key West, but it's been a great time regardless of what happens next!
Take care my friends and family!
Just Another Day in Paradise...With A Little Rain!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Key West, Florida, United States
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