Up pretty late again. 9:30 and out the door by 10:00ish. Headed to breakfast to a new place suggested by the valet. Slipped $20 to our concierge (Patrick from Carol Stream and U of I grad). He took care of us well this week. Breakfast place was called Harpoon Harry's. Got the window booth right on the corner. Beautiful day to sit at the window, which was open so you could people watch as you at your breakfast. I ordered a bloody mary and Sandy orange juice. We split the corned beef hash which came with two eggs and toast. That was plenty. Great hot sauce for the hash. So good, I bought a small bottle to take home.
We walked around the harbor area and into the free museum on The Dry Tortugas and Fort Thomas Jefferson
. You remember, an island 70 miles west of Key West. US built a fort there in about 1825 and later turned it into a prison where Dr. Samuel Mudd was imprisoned for four years. Interestingly, he helped during a malaria outbreak in 1857 and was pardoned by President Andrew Jefferson in 1859.
Walked back to the hotel and headed for the pool. Great day to just hang around the pool. Water was cool, and refreshing. Breeze was wonderful. Great place. There is another island just west of Key West called Sunset Island. Westin has some property there for about $800 a night and the rest are private homes. Wow! That's for when I win the lottery!
Went for a walk along Mallory Square where everyone gathers for the daily sunset. Got to see a large cruise vessel pull out. Neat to see. Saw all the magicians, musicians, fire eaters, jugglers, etc. setting up for the tourists coming at sunset. Not us. Headed back to our room about 5:30 to watch the 6:05 sunset from our balcony
. It was a great one. Interesting to see how many people file into Mallory Square for the daily event. Got some great pictures of this, our last Key West sunset.
Rested from that event...it's tough watching the sunset! Besides, we thought we'd let the crowd thin. And then headed out to dinner. Headed to Willie T's. Great music form a guy named Gerd Rube (strange name, but the best live performer we saw here). He's been at Willie T's for 8 years and had the crowd rockin' tonight! Seemed to enjoy his work! The sausage pizza was very good.
Walked back to our hotel and I blogged while Sandy read.
It's been a good but short week for us. Got to head home tomorrow, I understand to a wintry mix. Missed that this past week!!! You folks take care!
Dave & Sandy
Great Last Day
Friday, January 23, 2015
Key West, Florida, United States
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