Back to Reality

Saturday, January 24, 2015
Key West, Florida, United States
Before I tell you about our trip home from paradise, I need to make a couple of corrections to my last entry. I'm surprised more of you didn't catch the error. Leave it to my Uncle Johnny. One of the smartest men I have ever known and you may recall, gave me several memorable events in my life, including the first time I ever went 100 mph in a car before. I won't bore you with that story, but it's a good one! As my Mom (God rest her soul!) used to say about Uncle Johnny, "They broke the mold when they made him."  And then she would add with a wink and a smile, "And rumor has it they beat the Hell out of the mold maker too!"  

Anyway, Uncle Johnny reminded me when I was discussing Dr. Samuel Mudd, the doctor who set John Wilkes Booth's leg after he shot President Lincoln, he was sentenced to life in prison at Fort Thomas Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas in 1865, and because he helped people (prisoners and guards) during a malaria outbreak 1867, he was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson in 1869. (I think I had that all happening in the 1850s....difficult since the Civil War didn't start until 1861.) Anyway....thanks for being my editor Uncle Johnny! Love you and Aunt Rose!            

 We were up early on Saturday, January 24, our getaway day from Key West, and when we looked out and it was raining. Seemed like a good day to leave paradise! We checked out and headed for Glazed Donuts for some donut holes and a Diet Coke for a take-and-eat breakfast.

We decided to listen to Siri for directions this time. And made the trip to Fort Lauderdale in about 3.5 hours. After filling the Mercedes rental car with gas....always do that before you return it...we headed to the airport and our flight. We had plenty of time. Got our boarding passes and checked our luggage and into a crazy mob of people at security.  We didn't realize lots of large cruise ships had unloaded that morning in Fort Lauderdale, and they were all at the airport waiting for flights home.  Security wasn't even letting anyone into the gate area unless your flight was within the next 2-3 hours. What a mess. 

Stood in line at Landshark Restaurant, and when it was obvious tables for four were more readily available than tables for two, we worked with the folks standing behind us to sit together for a bite to eat. They were from Albany, NY (and I thought we were heading back to snow country!) and had been on a cruise. They still had a couple hours before their flight. Ours was an hour and a half.  

Flight back was a breeze. Non-stop to Midway. And by 5:00 pm we were back in Chicago and by 7:00 of so, back in Bloomington.        

It was an all too short, but wonderful respite from winter in Central Illinois. Probably won't be that warm again until we head to Arizona for Spring Training in March.

Thanks for listening to me ramble on. I am home now and will update the pictures on the files as well. Check them out. We have some great sunset pictures.   Take care my friends and family!

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John Harris

Oh, just like when we were working together, I see things of yours ALL the time that needed correction. But I just leav'm alone :)

Like the scene from Animal House..."did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor ?!?" Forget it, he's on a rolll...... :)

I'm ONLY kidding Dave!! :) I LOVE all of your travel blogs and I appreciate having the chance to read them and keep up with you all!!


Thanks Johnny! Love it!!! Doing the men's game Wed. night!


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