4.5 nautical miles after leaving Tortola, we were anchored in White Bay, Jost Van Dyke. Home of the famous Soggy Dollar, and Ivan's. You country music fans will appreciate the fact that Kenny Chesney filmed No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem in and around Ivan's. A bar where it is common for patrons to mix their own drinks and leave payment in the cash box. This practice, however, seems to be losing some ground.
This is where we get to spend Day 5 in paradise
At roughly 3 square miles, Jost Van Dyke (The J is pronounced as a Y) is the smallest of the four main BVI. JVD lies to the northwest of Tortola and to the north of St. John. Like many of it's neighbors, JVD is volcanic in it''s origin and is mountainous. JVD has less than 500 permanent inhabitants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jost_Van_Dyke
After what can safely be described now as a somewhat routine morning. Wake up, stroll the desk with a coffee and and grin. Grab some breakfast, morning announcements or "story time" ... and then head out for the day
We didn't do alot today. Tonight is Big Head Todd live at Corsair's show so beaching it was our only real daytime mission.
We grabbed the 11:30 shuttle on to the island. The place was bustling pretty good by the time we got there. The water is the most azure we have seen on the trip. We hung out at\around the Soggy Dollar for awhile and enjoyed a few of their world famous "Painkillers" and then decided to head to Ivan's
.... "The Stress Free Bar." In order to get to Ivan's you had to follow a path that cut up and over a rocky outcrop. It was a pretty cool path. Indigenous cacti and aloe lined the path.
Once at Ivan's, we really did just chill. There weren't alot of people there. Probably because of the hike to get there but I'm ok with that. They have this drink there called The Mudslide. It's like a chocolaty alcohol infused liquid desert. My God were they good. The first round went down quickly. When we went to order the second round, well ... we had to wait because I guess at Ivan's, hanging a flag trumps commerce LOL. Hey ... Stress free right?
After some relaxing sun time, lunch (which again .... Island time LOL), and some playing on the tire swing ..... it was time to head back to the ship
Got back to the ship in time for a short siesta. Because of the show they had an early dinner tonight. Once again, all involved ate too much. Went back to the cabin and took another 20 minute refresher and then it was time to hit the shore again
. While we were eating and napping, the ship sailed down the coast to where Corsair's is located. Corsair's is owned by a Denver native so there's that local connection. It's a pretty cool bar.
Big Head Todd and the Monsters started the show around 8:30. I don't think I have to that they brought it with all barrels once again. A very cool moment to witness was the girl who was a huge Big Head Todd fan and had NO idea they were going ot be at Corsair's that night. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time. She was feeling like she hit the lottery. It was really quite cool.
Now, as far as I can remember, BHTM didn't repeat any songs they had played the other day on Virgin Gorda.
They opened the show with the awesome song "Rocksteady."
A couple song in they played "Muhamed Ali" a song in which all the lyrics are sentences uttered by the legend himself.
"Spanish Highway" a personally emotional song for Todd is always a staple I rely on during their live shows
What is probably their most recognized song "Bittersweet." queued up a few songs later. I'm not really one for hit songs but damn that song is good.
"Runaway Train," Johnny Cash's hit "Ring of Fire," Beautiful World, and the incredible song "Fortune Teller" graced our ears ....
"Broken Hearted Savior" and "Play the Blues for you" started to wind things down ....
After the last 2 songs, "Play the Blues for You" and "Boom Boom" the band tanked us for a wonderful evening .... but, as you probably guessed ..... We were having NONE of that LOL.
So they came back out and floored us with G-L-O-R-I-A "Glooooria" ..... and the Jimmy Hendrix classic "Voodoo Chile."
It was ALL awesome. E-V-E-R-Y F-R-E-A-K-I-N-G S-E-C-O-N-D !!!!!
After the show we shuttled back to the ship. That was a rowdy ride. Everyone was completely spun up at this time. We chatted with Nick, their bring along harmonica player and his girlfriend. What a nice and talented young man that Nick is.
There was about an hour left in us once back on this ship. It was a little loud and raucous at the bar so we grabbed a few drinks and headed to the back of the ship as there was a shade back there which also worked as an umbrella. This was the first time we have seen rain the whole trip.
Tonight I began to see and hear the reality settling in with alot of my fellow cruisers, that this trip is on the precipice of winding down. Boo. I couldn't do this long term, but I could easily do another week of this ...
Day 5 - Jost Van Dyke
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Islands British
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