Lesley and Ray arrived safely in the USA on June 20th. I drove down to DIA and picked them up. As always we had a loud tearful reunion. We gathered their bags and headed home. We had a fun afternoon and dinner and got caught up on each others lives. The best part of the evening was when Ray found his wedding gift from us on his night stand. I surprised Ray with tickets to the Dodgers/Rockies game for Thursday the 27th. Ray is a huge Dodgers fan and was super excited to go see them live.
I took June 21st off from work. This is our 22nd anniversary and I thought it would be nice to relax at home with everyone. It was a rainy day so we we spent the day inside and in our PJs. We taught Lesley and Ray our newest obsession, a card game called Golf. Becca joined us in the afternoon for crab leg dinner. After dinner we all piled in the car and went out to see Montezuma Fuller in Wellington. It was fun to see the band and all our friends that showed up for the show.
The next four days were spent relaxing at the house.
I had to work for a couple of days. Lesley and Ray went to town and picked up their marriage license.
Wednesday morning, June 26th we headed down to Denver for a couple of nights. The first night we hung out with our friends Keith and Kevin. We met them at a roof top bar and then went to Sushi. We ended the evening with a drink back at their place. Eric, Ray, Lesley and I had a very enjoyable walk back to our hotel in the evening.
The next morning Eric had to go back to work. Lesley, Ray and I had a beautiful breakfast at the Brown Palace with Keith as our waiter. After breakfast we walked across town to the Botanic Garden. We enjoyed the gardens for a few hours and then caught a cab back to the hotel to cool off and relax before the game.
It has become a tradition for us to go to this little restaurant and have tacos before going to a game or show in Denver. We walked over to Marg's and pigged out on Tacos and wine. We walked over to Coors field and entered the stadium. Ray was so happy. The smile never left his face. We had great seats just behind home plate. The weather was great. There was plenty of offense with 4 or 5 lead changes during the game. The Dodgers pulled ahead in the 9th inning and won 12-8. The three of us had a blast.
The next morning we drove back up to Fort Collins. I had to return to work for the weekend before my 18 day vacation started. Lesley and Ray headed back to the house to enjoy some alone time at the house.
Karen Fitzgerald
Great to hear of the wonderful time Lesley and Ray had in Colorado before their special day.