Portsmouth NH and Kittery ME

Thursday, July 18, 2019
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States
Tuesday morning we all slept in.  It was a late night at Fenway and we did not want to pick up our rental car too early.  At noon we made our way to the lobby and checked out while Eric ran across the street and picked up a rental car for us.  We said goodbye to Boston for now, piled into the car and headed North.
Our first stop Salem, Massachusetts.  There is a lot of history in Salem surrounding witches.  We only got to spend a couple hours there so did not really get the opportunity to dig into what really happened in the 1600's and 1700's.  I will say that this town has definitely taken advantage of the witch trial stories and has carried on with all things Wiccan. 
We had lunch at a beautiful old tavern that featured seafood.  It was also the site of the very first telephone call made by Alexander Graham Bell.  After Lunch we wandered around the main street looking in the shops and enjoyed the mellow, peaceful feeling that is Salem.  I personally would love to go back and learn more. 
We drove a little further north to Portsmouth NH and got settled into our hotel.   We decided to go to Trader Joe's and grab a picnic dinner.  Armed with delicious food and 2 buck chuck, which is now $4, we headed to the river to find a spot to dine and watch the sunset.  We chose a small peninsula on the Piscataqua River.  We sat on the border of NH and Maine right next to the Navy yard. 
The next morning we all piled in the van and headed into Maine.  We landed at Long Sands Beach for the day.  It was mostly overcast and a really nice day to sit and relax for our last full day of vacation.  We decided to head over to Alex and Mel's for dinner.  It was a fun but early evening for us. 
Thursday morning Eric and I met Uncle Andy and long time partner Pam for breakfast.  It was great to see them.  After breakfast we packed the group back into the van and headed back to Logan airport for a long day of travel.  Thank you New England for a great trip.  Thank you Lesley and Ray for allowing us all to crash your Honeymoon. 



Nice ending to a fantastic trip.m

Karen Fitzgerald

Thank you for sharing your travels, it has looked amazing. Looking forward to the honeymooners returning to our shores. Take care and I'll await your next adventures xx


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