Well it
arrived on time, but it came on a trailer
He tried to
start it to drive it off the trailer, I didn’t think too much about it, we
pushed it off and into the driveway
Easy enough,
compared to new cars this weighs nothing
All the
canvas were up, but I did notice it looked a bit tatty, still not a problem, I
can get new canvas from Worthing canvas’s
I was
thinking of getting a full winter kit for it
With no
heater in these things, they are going to be cold in the winter
I took photos
of it and sent off an order for all the canvas I could find, half doors, canvas
windscreen cover; I was going to replace the lot
included new front and rear seats
It had been
in the driveway for a week now, I had made sure the battery was charged up; I
noticed the fuel gauge wasn’t working, but on lifting the fuel cap there was
fuel in there
But I did
notice the fuel pipe came out of the top of the tank, strange but I didn’t take
much notice
I was going
to take it around the block, its first test drive
I was looking
forward to it; I knew it would start on the button
Right I
fired her up, a bit of spluttering, then she settled down, had trouble finding
reverse, but its where 1st gear should be
No problem,
she was now on the road, all I had to do was 3 lefts and that would be me
around the block, only a small incline
Anne took a
couple of shots
I set off, 1st
Coming up
the incline to the 2nd left, she spluttered a bit and coughed and
died, I started her again, no start, I had to push her into the kerb, the house
that I stopped at, bloke came out and gave me a hand pushing it, then he
snapped away on his phone
This was embarrassing,
first time out and she’s bust
I looked in
the tank, no juice, where had it gone?
I saw juice
in there 5 minutes ago, don’t know how much but it was there
I had to get
it dragged back by Anne, then off to get some juice
I put 20 litres
in it, still nothing on the fuel gauge, but it started, no banging or
I was off around
the block; well she completed it, twice
Now was the
time to give the old girl the once over
The fuel
gauge don’t work, the oil gauge bounces, the speedo don’t work, the lights are
pretty dim, only one indicator works, only one wiper and that was manual
The engine didn’t
look so good now
It was time
to go online and find out about this Jeep
I found a
couple of websites, a couple dealt with Willy’s/Ford Jeeps
I posted
photos of the Jeep; there was a deluge of replies
Wrong carburettor,
wrong air/oil filter, wrong light clamps, windscreen bent and corroded, wrong fuel tank, wrong fuel tank clamps, wrong seats, this wasnt sounding good
There was a radio in the back, but that didnt work, who would I call anyway ?
A guy call Adrian
contacted me and said he could give it the once over and might be able to fix
the problems, now this was an offer too good to refuse
he is very well known for work that has been done on a lot of Jeeps, very
highly recommended)
I arranged a
date to take it too him for an inspection at least, I was hoping to leave it
with him to look at it and give me an idea of cost
What a thriller! I can't wait for the next episode! I do hope it has a happy ending.