Here we go,
taking my Jeep to a military show at Market Harborough
First time it's
done a decent run out
Just taken
it around the block and to a garden centre before
Going there,
no problem, but it did take a long time, didn't want to use the motorway, so it
was just B roads
We arrived
and was told, 'park it where you want'
We parked it
among a few other Jeep, put up the tent and put the coffee on
A few people
came over to have a look at it, made a few comments, seemed a friendly bunch
I had joined
a couple of groups since I have had the Jeep (IMPS, Invicta Military Vehicle Preservation Society and MVT, Military Vehicle Trust)
The weather
was as I would have expected, wet, overcast, just miserable really
There wasn't
much in the way of traders or stall, so buying bits for the Jeep wasn't an option
But we had a
look around
That night
it rained, but thanks to the tent I got in Australia, we were warm and dry
We were
going to leave in the morning, (it wasn't such a good show that I had hoped
for, it had been carried over from 2020, so a lot of things didn't happen)
Things were
going well on the way home, but I had to use the M1 for part of our return (I didn't
want to but roads were closed)
There was a
lot of banging from the engine, I pushed the clutch in and coasted to the hard
shoulder, got on the phone to the AA, they got onto the Highways Agency who
took use off the motorway, they put us in an Amazon car park
The AA drove
past us twice, they didn't have a clue where we were
ANYWAY, they
found us eventually
1st bloke
said "You are going nowhere in that"
He called
for a truck to get us home (33 miles)
Got home,
pushed it into the drive, unloaded it
Then made a
few phone calls and sent a few emails (mainly to adrian)
I got a call
from Cliff of Universal Jeep supplies (he was the closest to me)
They could
collect it Saturday
They came,
collected it, took it to Adrians farm
Adrian sent me pictures of what he found, said it was a blocked oil way
A nut had
come undone on the con rod and really buggered the engine
He asked me
who had done the work, I told him Adrian Wynne
He said he
would get in touch with him and ask him about a repair
Well Adrian
picked it up from Universal Jeep Supplies and sent me pictures of what he found in the sump, he said it was
an oil blockage, Cliff said it was a nut that had come undone on the con rod
I asked
Adrian if it had a new oil pump fitted, he said yes, I said well a new oil pump
would have pushed any debris out of the oil ways, surely
He then sent
me a picture of the con rod and the nut, seems it hadn't been torqued on tight enough
As of now, it's
at Adrian's being repaired
So it looks
like no more shows this year, no trips to France or Arnhem
After my Jeep went to Adrian to get the work done, he sent me another bill for £3000
Now I wasnt very happy about this so I contacted the AA legal department and IMPS
Well it turns out that no bill should have been forthcoming, he just didnt do the renovation good enough, he never torqued up various nuts
So he had to bear the cost of parts and labour, he was not a happy man, I havent heard from him since
He wouldnt bring it to my house, said he couldnt drive it and he couldnt use his trailer, so Universal Jeep Supplies had to pick it up
Cliff of Universal gave it the once over, said without taking it all apart he just didnt know, but he would have assumed Adrian would have done a better job this time
I drove it home from Cliffs place, treated it like I was running it in, not over 40 mph, low revs
It got me home though, but I am not sure if its upto a trip to France next year
Can I trust this Jeep not to break down on me again ?
My goodness. What a mess! I Hope you can get the old friend going again without breaking the bank. Good luck!
All in the hands of Adrian now, a full rebuild of the engine again, Cliff will be inspecting his work
Travelling Tim
Sorry to hear about your problems, Derrick. Hope you get it fixed soon.
Michael D.
Just seen your email. (wrong one) I thought you had finished with all your adventures? Hope you get it fixed and back on the road.