We had an uneventful flight from Atlanta to Frankfort, and I was able to sleep some on the plane. It takes about 10 minutes to take the train in from the Airport, so I checked into the Manhattan Hotel and now I am wandering around Frankfurt, which is a great city to do a walk-about. It's Saturday, and people are out walking around the Romemarket Plaza. There are major after-Christmas sales going on here, too!
Frankfort is an old-fgashined cobble-stone street kind of city, as well as a modern banking capital - so there is this verz intertwined old plus new architecture. It's interesting. And, I can walk back through the REd Light District if I feel adventuresome - though probably not. I am headed off Sachsenhausen District, to enjoy Frankfurt's culinarz specialites - they have an apple-wine pub district, where the wine is served spiced and warm in winter. Just what I need! Warmth! Along with Frankfurt sausage and kraut.
I'll be in touch again when I get the Cairo. Take care everyone!
Frankfort is cold!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Frankfort, Germany
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