Cairo is Chaotic!!

Monday, December 29, 2008
Cairo, Egypt
I have arrived in Cairo, and today I toured the Egyptian Museum - it was amazing. They have so many ancient objects they are stacking in glass cases (we are talking full-length wooden mummy caskets, mind you!) almost to the ceiling. The wonderful shuttle from my hotel dropped some of us off at the museum, and it was a mob scene getting in (I think Egyptians like dramatic encounters, in general) - but I dashed up to the top floor and the King Tutankhamun exhibit (several rooms, and hallways too) and had a little peace and quiet to look at lots of gold artifacts, until the tour groups started coming through.

I was able to better understand the Egyptian dieties, and their meanings. I think I am ready to visit the pyramids tomorrow, with a guide arranged by the hotel. I am very excited, to continue to understand this strange and fascinating country.

And by the way - I wrote too soon from Frankfurt - I managed to cover 4 musems in a day and a half! They were great, and I really had a wonderful time in Frankfurt - I would go back again to explore some more.

Take care everyone, and I will be in touch from Kenya!

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