Hello All,
I missed communicating with you! I have really enjoyed the 'travel and write-it-up' process, and now I have the opportunity to do it again, as I have begun another adventure
. (This one may be a little crazy).
So it you don't mind, I shall begin another travel story . . .
I actually did adjust to getting back from a travel-instructive sabbatic leave in June, and have been re-acclimating to my regular academic life. But after a few months, I decided I wanted to travel back, again, and see some of my favorite places. Winter break seemed like a good idea at the time, so I booked a flight to Ireland, where I had spent a scant 3 days in May. What was compelling about Ireland was an eco-village, and the progress it was making. When I first met members of the community (Richard took me, thank you Richard) I was impressed with what they were trying to do - build energy efficient houses, have a sustainable community garden, build an eco-hostel. So, I have been curious about how this particular story has turned out, and here I am, back for a visit.
It looked iffy on the UK side, as first Heathrow and then Dublin closed for successive days earlier this week when a freak cold snap and snow storm came through
. But by Christmas day and my departure, flights were back to normal. And so I flew Denver-Newark-Dublin, and here I am. Which is fortunate, because about 12 hours after I left Newark, the Mid-Atlantic region started getting a blizzard-like snowstorm, and my same flight today has been cancelled.
So I take this as a good omen, that this adventure is really meant to happen, and today I got out and about Dublin. Which was trickier than I thought because the snow that arrived a couple of days ago has now turned to ice and slush on the sidewalks (they really don't know what to do with snow here) but I managed to get to cross O'Donnell Bridge and hit Grafton (the shopping street) and see Dubliners get really excited and spend money on after-Christmas sales. It has really been a nice first day, but I think I will eat at McCoys, the bar next door, tonight.
Hope you all are having a happy Holiday Break - Joyous wishes to you all!!
Boy, did I get lucky with clear airports this time
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Other Entries

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Tobbe Bjorck
Dear! Great to have you back with"road reports"...myself back to Scandinavian christmas after 2 month in Thailand.....Take care....
what fun you are having. did you get a chance to see trinity college( sure you did) the book of kells and all. what a great twon dublin. when do you return?
Good your are back - travelling.
Again you are welcome in Copenhagen - white and wonderful.
Love Marianne and Ib
Diane, glad the weather was timed right for you and you made it! Dublin sounds exciting, despite the ice and snow. Keep us posted!
Diane, glad to see that you are still as adventuresome as ever! Considering the crazy weather all over the world, you are lucky that your flights worked out so well. One of the best things about travel, and as you know there are many, is to realize that the world is so accessible to all of us - only a few flights away to anywhere. Dublin is such a great place to visit any time of the year. Among other things, enjoy the live Irish music in some of the pubs, and have a drink for me.
Wow, Diane, you are an inspiration for all of us who find so many reasons not to do what we say we will "one day"!
Enjoy your trip as I will enjoy hearing about it!!
glad you made it...dad
Glad to hear that you made it with no great adventures en route. Enjoy your time with friends and in exploring Dublin and its environs.
So this maybe why we didn't see you at the Christmas book club get-to-gather, you were busy planning another adventure. Good for you! I look forward to reading more about it. Have a wonderful time.
So nice to hear from you. I have been worried that the weather in Europe would impact your travels. Cannot wait to talk to you when you return. Have a wonderful time! Judy