Conference in Panama - Somebody has to go there!

Monday, May 02, 2011
Greeley, Colorado, United States
Hello friends,

There are some perqs to being a professor of Recreation, Tourism, and Hospitality - and one of them is you get to travel to beautiful destinations that lie along the equator and have copious amounts of tropical flora, fauna, good food, good drink, and incredible heat and humidity . Honestly - jungle travel is not my best look. But it is different than high dry plains, and it has been cold in Colorado this spring, so off to the jungle we go. Monkeys! Parrots! Snakes! Oh My!

As soon as we get settled, photos and wordy descriptions of the Panamanian culture and natural resources shall follow. But first my colleague and I have to get there, and already there is a problem with my checking in on-line. (He had no problem). What's to come? 

Stay tuned . . . .


(PS - Yes, we made it and hitched a ride with Linda to the hotel. Safely tucked in bed by midnight!)

Photos & Videos


Juliet Fried

Safe travels! Looking forward to following your trip.



I hope that you travels have been smooth since overcoming the hurdle of online check-in. Can't wait to read updates and hear about all you are learning.

Barbara Hawley

Have fun, travel safely, absorb the joy. Love - B


Safe travel looking forward to your next update:)


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