Our field trip up the Chagres River

Saturday, May 07, 2011
Gamboa, Colón, Panama
We truly had adventures on Friday. One of the great things that the National Association of Interpretation does, because it is an organization of people who are (amongst many things) cultural and natural resource guides, is to take us on field trips and show us an amazing nature/people experience that we might not see otherwise. On Friday a group of us went up the Chagres River to see the Embrera tribe – an indigenous group of families living together that are trying to realize some of the tourism dollars that are coming into Panama by inviting tourists/guests into their village. But you don't just drive up to the village and walk in, you must take a long road trip to where the dugout boats are pulled up to the shore. The protocol is, you arrive at the river bank and get into the boat and sit between the man who runs the motor in the back, and the two men who use their poles to get us over the river rocks in the front. I believe I got lucky, and had a very close up view of the front pole-men as they pulled us along from the front. You’ll have to see my documentary evidence and judge for yourself.

And you may have noticed they are lightly clothed – yes, I had to view men’s behinds draped in colorful loincloths and beaded accoutrements on our journey upstream . I felt like I was in a National Geographic tableau. We arrived at the village, and young local tribespeople welcomed us with drums and music. We saw the fish they had caught for our lunch, and watched kids playing in the river. We made our way up to the community house, and learned about the vegetable dyes they use to tattoo their skin, and the basketry and wood carved crafts that the men and women create. We learned about their clothing, and watched them dance and play the drums. Matteo, our genial village host and a conference attendee also (the man is nearly naked yet is wearing his conference badge all day), proudly shows off the wonderful hospitality offered by his family and friends. It is an absolutely amazing day. We parted with final photos together with our new friends – really pictures in this case say so much more than words. I would like to come back and have this unusual host/guest experience again . . . 

And then on Saturday after several very informative sessions we all went to a final banquet on the river, and sang karaoke and danced into the wee hours. James and I traveled all day today and are now safely back in Colorado - It was really a unique international conference. We have several new Panamanian friends, and I look forward to a time when I can return with my family. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day - And thanks for sharing your comments on this blog!


PS - Catalog of wildlife viewed: Crocodiles, Capuchin monkeys, swimming snake (that eats vipers!), very green iguana, turtles, fish, parrots, mat-mat bird, big croaking toads, little green frog, and a swallow that dove over me while I was swimming at night.


Louise Lindehoff

Looks nice


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