Nice: The Ironman Cometh

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Nice, Provence, France
I arrived in Nice on Saturday around 6 pm after not having to sprint too much to make my plane in London's Heathrow Airport. It was a close call, but ultimately resolved in my favor, as my corporeal self made it on the plane and on to the south of Sunny France. Although that was not the happy ending for my baggage, which straggled along on the next plane and was not reunited with me until much later in the evening, but we were both no worse for the wear.

I am speaking French again, and it appears to be working well so far . I apologized to the cabdriver that "Pardon, mais je suis fatigue" when I forgot he gave me back my reservation paper. I spoke French to the bus driver at the train station and got directions that I understood to head off in the right direction. And I spoke French to the night watchman when I returned to the hotel at 11:30 pm and asked if "Mon baggage est arivee?" "Cinque cent deux?" he asked. "Oui!" I said. C'est vrai, I am in room 502.

And I wandered this evening. Walking south down Avenue Jean Medicin at that perfect part of the early evening when the orange light of "crepescule" - dusk - begins to descend on this coastal city. The red and white stone architecture takes on a warm glow and baths us all in a soft backlight making us seem glowingly healthy, and languid, and happy. I took photos everywhere to capture the seduction that Nice performs each evening. See the happy people in the plazas?

And it was halfway down to the sea when I realized the IronMan was in town . So I wandered off to photograph the vending area - you can see all the big names in gear, suits, and bikes were there. Lots of athletes were not only on the main street, but then were with me when I went to the Cours Saleya as well. And it was in this market place, in Vielle Ville (Old Town) in Nice, that I was looking over the menu at a little cafe, and asked the other woman eyeing the menu with me if she would like to join me for dinner. We introduced ourselves, and then got a table together.

And that was the beginning of a magical outdoor cafe dining experience at Cafe Juliette, in the Vielle Ville. Julia is an academic, like me - a math professor at a university in California, who was there to attend a thesis defense (the Europeans invite academics from other countries to sit on their committees, so travel to the defense is a side benefit of the research life) and then she was on to TWO conferences (Yep, Math is outdoing Tourism on the conference scene in southern France so far).

Over a 3 course meal of tomatoes and melted Mozarella with pesto on toast, Chicken with potatoes and vegetables, and lastly, get this - peaches in chocolate ganache sauce - we had a wide ranging conversation about this and that - travel and teaching, students and mentoring - it was absolutely delightlful. Truely.

And then, on the way home, I saw the IRonMan bikes lined up along the Promenade des Anglais, in fences and guarded for their owners to claim them in the RACE on Sunday. So stay tuned - I have to see what happens!!






How nice!
I´m so glad to get to share your traveling adventures.

Nice looks very nice, especially the outdoor cafés, and outdoor actions in the evening, it is probably some nightlife, everybody seems to be out in the streets. From the pictures i guess the weather is ok even in the evenings. The food to be tasty and the shopping good. ( nice art peaces)
Very nice.
In Sweden we have just celebrated midsummer, but a rainy one and there is more rain to come. So lucky you to be in Nice in France.


What a treat, Diane, thanks so much for this lovely inclusion into your travels. You make me feel as if I am right there with you. And I am drinking up your delight in all you see!

Marianne and Ib

Fantastic - Diane.
It is so nice to follow your travel. Another Europe-tour.
Come back to Denmark - we miss you.
Love Marianne and Ib


Diane, I love following your travel adventures! After you retire from academic life, you should think about writing travel books of some kind, or articles for travel magazines. Of course, the fun part would be traveling to various places to conduct the research. Just a thought.

Anyway, I look forward to reading about the rest of this year's trip to Nice. It sounds like you are doing very well communicating in French. I know you will enjoy every minute of your trip.


Susan C

Aha! Now I have a visual of what "Crepuscular" means! It looks like you are having a splendid visit, and the food doesn't look too shabby either! Thanks for posting this blog!


An Ironman! How fun. I'll bet there are a few of the Olympic athletes competing, perhaps in their last race before the big event. If Helen Jenkins (GBR) is there, she is an amazing athlete. You might also check to see if Laura Bennett from Boulder (also an Olympian) raced.

Leigh Ann

Awesome!!!! Sounds like SOO much fun :) glad you're having a good time!


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