WooHoo! I am Down Under!

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
I have been traveling for the past several days, first from Fort Collins to LA, where I visited my parents for about 32 hours, and then on to Brisbane, Australia, which actually was a pleasant 14 hour flight on Qantas airlines and didn't seem to go on forever. 

I arrived in Brisbane On their Saturday morning, and my friend Rod turned up 5 minutes after I came through customs . Perfect timing! He then proceeded to drive me all over Brisbane on a most beautiful fall day - sunny, about 80 degrees - and I met his two sisters, their daughters, and we walked all around the city. You will be seeing photos of the Brisbane skyline, and waterfront, including a sandy beach that has been built beside the river. (So cool!!) 

Then, for my first full day we had breakfast on his veranda and drove down to Byron Beach. We first saw the lighthouse - hiked around the grounds, and climbed to the top of the most eastern point of Australia to get the bird's eye view. Such an inspiring view of the ocean! Bu the whales were being shy - no humpbacks spotted while we were trying to find them. 

After lunch at the Lighthouse we drove back down the hill and  and went swimming in the Pacific Ocean - not too cold at all - very comfortable, and shallow for quite a ways. It felt great to jump waves again, even though we were competing with surfers.

 After our water-based recreation activities, we showered and headed back into the casual coastal town of Byron Beach (think Fenwick Island, only even smaller) and had fish and chips, and beer. And then took a scenic ride home. This area of Australia is truly lovely!



Diane, you look so happy at the beach! The lighthouse is gorgeous, in fact everything looks wonderful. Have a splendid time!


So happy you made it safe and sound. Makes me home sick for the beach!!


I am so very jealous at the moment. Continue to have a wonderful time, as I know you will. I look forward to reading more of your blog.


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