I have had a fairly easy though lengthy flight from Los Angeles to where I am now, in Hong Kong.
My family dropped me off at LAX on Monday night and I got in the long China Eastern line, and then met Santiago and his family. We got to know each other while we waited to check into our flight to Shanghai - Santiago came from Ensenada (near Dan Diego) with his parents who are nervously sending him off to see a friend in Taiwan. Santiago is an international business student who wants to do marketing and travel extensively, and so he saved to take a trip to see his good friend who is working in a Mexican restaurant in Taiwan, and going to school there as well.
I love meeting college students who are traveling, because they are very friendly and I often learn from then about things to do and places to go - on this particlular night I asked him to show me how to get WhatsApp on my phone so I can text and call people while I travel. And he gave me a great tutorial:)
Then we boarded the plane and I lucked out - I sat in a seat with the seat next to me vacant, and I could stretch out for the flight which definitely helped me get better sleep. Fourteen and a half hours later we arrived on a foggy, grey morning at Pu Dong Airport in Shanghai, China - and my China adventure began. When you deplane, you immediately know you are far from home as all signage has Chinese characters and you are the minority American white person in a sea of Asians - who are friendly and try to help you. I waited in one line that was incorrect, and then was sent through the International Transfer area, where I caught my plane to Hong Kong.
And I purchased and had my first cup of Ramen noodles complete with three seasoning packets and dried chicken pieces that I put into the cup, and added hot water from the machine - waited 7 minutes and presto - ramen noodle breakfast.
I safely arrived in Hong Kong, got Hong Kong dollars and an Octopus metro card, and have arrived at my hotel here in Kowloon. Here are a few photos from my trip so far - I will write again soon.
So far so good. Did you read that the two biggest ramen companies exporting to the USA are being investigated for price fixing? Yes, two cents or so per packet. Stop the presses! Big news! Hong Kong is one of my favorite places, lots of stylish women there, even on the ferries. Thanks for the update.
Susan C
"...Mexican restaurant in Taiwan..." It really is a small world (not to beat a cliche to death). The college students you met sound delightful.
jill l
keep em coming - love living vicariously through you!
Tammy R
Hi Diane! I'm excited to be part of your journey! My kids will be jealous of your ramen noodles!