I know what you are thinking - why go to Disneyland on your first day in Hong Kong? Because it is the perfect way to do something familiar while you are adjusting to a new time, a hectically busy new place, learning new metro transportation options, and hearing very foreign conversations all around while getting over jet lag. Oh, and by the way they give a wonderful senior discount! I paid a mere $100 Hong Kong Dollars to get in (while everyone else paid $619HK). So I had a very magical day for $14!
I headed out to the Central district early in the morning to do some exploring and get breakfast before boarding the metro for Disneyland. I did stop off at Starbucks, which is a popular place for Hong Kong business types to get their coffee too. I wandered around the waterfront and experimented with my selfie stick - it works pretty well, don't you think?
As I rode the metro to Disneyland, I encountered two very well dressed young women I thought were going to work or school, but then realized they had picked their clothing to honor the day they were going to spend at Disneyland - as I saw them at the park later, and that evening they rode the metro back with me.
After purchasing my inexpensive ticket I headed straight for the brand new IronMan/Stark Experience - and it really was a cool ride. After the preliminary "Look what Tony Stark is developing now" presentation we put on our 3 D glasses and sat in seats that rocked us around while we were attacked by aliens and flew all over Hong Kong's harbor - it was really great to see the harbor from the air, and have the place I was getting to know shown from a completely new and impressive perspective.
I spent the rest of the day wandering all over the park going on rides in Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Grizzley Gulch, Adventureland, and Toy Story Land. I even took the train around the park twice to rest from all the walking.
I have to say I had a terrific day at the park from 11 am to 6 pm . . . and then I hit "the wall". So I left Disneyland happy and tired, and picked up take out for dinner because I got back to my hotel at 8 pm and I was beat!! Tomorrow afternoon I take a walking tour of "Discover the Old and Lively Kowloon" where Angie will take us to good street food vendors and other sites to see. So far, so good!!
Agree, your selfie stick works great! I just love senior discounts!!
jill l
a magical way to start for sure!