I continue to be impressed with how many, and how different, the various UNESCO World Heritage sites are in this country. I have been spending the past few days wandering around a truly culturally unique ancient city center with an active port (still).
My guidebook says it best: "The ancient core of seductive, charming Hoi An is a rich architectural fusion of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and European influences dating back to the sixteenth century. In its heyday 200 years ago the port town attracted vessels from the world's great trading nations, and many Chinese merchants stayed on. The historic core has 3 parallel streets - the first has plenty of craft shops and galleries; the second has wooden townhouses and some galleries, and the third is the riverfront with vegetable and fish markets and waterside cafes."
While the World Heritage site has 800 historical buildings and sites, most tourists (me included) buy a ticket for $6 that gets us into 5 of about 30 of the most important/best restored ones. Plus, this colorful area is always ready for its visual "close-up"- so behold the seductive and charming temples, architecture, waterways, and overarching Vietnamese cultural mashup that is historic Hoi An.
(This is an area I can return to often and still discover something new - so I do, and I shall wander down here again tonight for an evening walk and dinner. It will be lovely and lively, I am sure.)
Beautiful photos. The variety of color is amazing. Looks like you are really enjoying yourself.
Looks like you're having a great time! Thanks for sharing the trip with us. Unfortunately, it appears that I will be unable to use the Travelark website for my upcoming trip since I did not have an original account with them.
we love all the pics and insights. Vietnam is rising much higher on my list. Sorry that we have not commented on your travels. It has been pretty crazy around here since you left town. A lot is going on for us, and I will be excited to fill you in on everything when you return.
What luscious colors and vibrancy! Wouldn't it be wonderful to just walk down your own street and into these places that have vivid energy, and yet seem restful and spiritual at the same time. Thanks for posting these Diane.