Eagle has landed

Monday, January 11, 2010
Goa, Goa, India
Hello all.. just a short one to say I am here. Bit jetlagged but not too bad. On 1st impression Goa seeks like bali/Koh samui 24 yrs ago. Still a little daunting going it alone but early days yet.
Flights, transits, taxis, accom all went very smoothly. very impressed with jet airlines (indian).
They were so keen for me not to miss my connection in Mumbai.. they collected me outside the plane on the runway and ferried to the next plane with out even seeing inside the terminal.
Just going exploring with baby steps today
More news later
love Di x
ps funniest/craziest incidents so far were
1. taxi from hotel to airport KL. Driver went 40kms over speed limit and when his phone rang (it had a ring like a plice siren..of course he took the call!!)
2. traffic jam getting out of Goa airport was so much like a jam at the dodgem cars I broke down laughing. Cars/vans/tuk tuks going every direction posible and all bumper to bumper and somehow?? we made it out of it..
Guess Im not in Kansas anymore :)
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Hi there gal-glad to know you're there ok.Sure sounds like fun.So hot at home...keep safe .Love Anne and Tonyx


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