
Friday, January 15, 2010
Goa, Goa, India
Days are already melting in to one another. have been a good girl and gone to bed early the last 2 nights to catch up on sleep!! went for a big walk yesterday up to chapora fort and the local fishing village where I bought a pillow for $1.25 ha-ha! the one's in my room were massive bricks :)
getting a little more adventurous as the days go. Off to Mapusa today , a town about 12km from here where there is a big local market.
Yesterday on the beach I had about 8 local girls around me trying to sell me stuff. Guess I must be paying too much and they think Im a sucker!! :) actually I am. I buy them water when they want. I mean they are wearing saris and lugging around masive bundles of goods /clothes/blankets/jewellry in 32oC every day. Even if I pay too much, it's peanuts compared to what Id pay at home. Anyway its fun and they are so much nicer than the russians. yes Im going to bitch about them a lot! :)
Thats all for now. My mind, like my legs , is slowing evey day and that's a good thing!
love Di X

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