The last few days

Thursday, December 13, 2012
Phnom Penh, Krŏng Phnum Pénh, Cambodia
Ok.. this is just a glimpse of life here . I need to write this down just for myself. If it's at all interesting for anyone else..even better :)
Just out of the hairdressers. I was recommended this place in "info for volunteers". not much english spoken but felt like a head massage after this morning so in I went. they do manicures too so i gestured head massage..fringe trim and manicure. there set in line a sequence of events and knowing it wouldn't break the bank..I went along with it. so i had one girl manicuring while the other pedicured,. then followed some colóur/nail polish. then I had the shampoo/conditioner and head massage to end all. it was so hard/firm and went on for about half an hour. Finally 2 girls blow dried my hair. this all took at least an hour. I kinda lost track of time so blissed out was I by the head massage. Final cost ? $5.50 US
and on that note ..the local "tourist "corner shop has 1l bottles of bacardi for $8.30!!!.
anyway on to the clinic this morning.
I walk to the clinic every morning. It's about 20min thru the hustle bustle of Phnom Phen streets. No footpaths. its a seething mass of humanity and crossing the road on the way there is the first challenge of the morning. There is no break in traffic. so you just have to step into the melee of bikes, mopeds and trucks and hope they give way. I'm not worried about being hit. there are no other tall blond people walking to work here so I stand out like the proverbial dogs parts
I have my breakfast in the corner stall opposite the clinic. the lady there doesn't speak english so I point and she speaks Khmer and I ended up with pork, omelet and rice the 1st morning and that''s what it is now every morning. Its really good. with coffee (that''s another story) it costs $1.25
The kids arrive in mini buses before 8am. There's lots of them. I am the only dentist at the moment so the training dentist and the training hygienist see kids too. I learned today that the nurses have been taught by the volunteer dentists how to do fillings and extractions so they jump in too when the going gets tough. In fact I had a near surgical extraction to do yesterday and my nurse picked up an elevator and proceeded to help me elevate..very well too!!
Its almost unimaginable doing so many extractions of so badly broken down teeth without xrays or high speed suction. It felt very much today that I was in the army and we were on the frontline or something. having said all that ..I realised last night that I was looking forward to going into "work"'today for the first time in a long time.
The kids are so stoic..I have felt close to tears a couple of times. they are so tiny and strong.
I felt angry today as the whole group that came in had such terribly rotten teeth that it was obvious they were being given soft drinks. I lost count of the number of rotten first permanent molars I saw today. we only extracted the painful ones and that was at least 6.
I don't even know how many patients I see in a morning. The only paper work is a sheet they arrive with on which I write very basically what treatment I did on that day.
The staff are lovely and I'm getting to know them better every day
.It's so damn rewarding. I have felt very content these past 2 days. I am already not obsessing and self critising over every little detail. hell I ask for LA and take whatever the nurse hands me.
My highspeed today had either a flood of water or none at all
I extract baby teeth using bone rongeurs (nibblers)
I ask for Fuji and it could be 2, 9 or 7.. I'm starting to see the bigger picture.. and that's a good thing :)
I'm not lonely but I'm desperately missing someone to tell all the details to. The waow moments.. the ""look at me I'm doing it"" times.
I feel so incredibly humbled by these people and these brave children.
I knew before I came here that I was a fortunate person with a luxurious life but this brings it into very sharp focus and puts it right in my face.
 And the biggest luxury I have is choice. From the small daily ones how I choose to spend the rest of my life. That is the greatest luxury of all.
Now that I've got all that off my chest, it's time for a cold beer in a wicker armchair under a fan with a really good book
happy days :)

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moira mitchell

In a way Diane, I know how you feel after our experience after the bombings here.
It is such a rewarding feeling knowing that you can leave this planet knowing you made a big difference for some people. That, you certainly are doing. It is a really good read too.You go girl :)

Joyce Glen

Congrats for doing what the rest of us just think about doing! I'm so pleased that you are finding inner serenity amongst the external chaos. Win-win scenario if ever I saw one! Much love from the frozen north x


"Inner serenity amongst external chaos".. you just hit the nail on the head Joycee. Xx

Amanda Morrison

So pleased it's having such a positive effect. Maybe next time I can come ... not much use at dentistry but I could always contribute some TLC, join in the whaow moments and be general dogsbody. Look forward to hearing more. x


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