The Killing Fields of Choeng Ek and Memorial

Sunday, December 16, 2012
Phnom Penh, Krŏng Phnum Pénh, Cambodia
Quite simply this the most moving place I have ever been to.
For those who were not alive in the seventies, haven't been to Cambodia or studied modern is a brief synopsis of what occurred between 1975 and 1979 .
In '75 Cambodia was in turmoil. Internal conflict and the aftermath of the Vietnam war (Cambodia was bombed as the American planes dumped explosives there) left it vulnerable and a madman called Po Pot rose to power. He had a vision of a "pure"communist state here.
So, one day his troops came through the city of Phnom Phen and forced everyone to leave because he thought everyone should be peasants and work in the country. Most of the educated people, doctors,teachers,lawyers,bankers were killed. Not only that but those with soft hands, glasses, or too big a head circumference were also murdered as they apparently posed a threat to this regime.
Having evacuated the cities, those who weren't murdered straight away were stripped of all possessions and put to work in the fields . They did 12 to 16hr days and were given a couple of bowls of soup /day. Consequently many died of starvation and sickness.
This went on for almost 4 years and it is estimated that up to 3 million people were directly or indirectly murdered in this time.
It was one of histories worst genocides..and it happened only 35 years ago.
The people who were tortured and killed for being a perceived threat , were thrown into mass graves. There is one of these places just outside Phnom Penh. It has been turned into a memorial and I have to say it is very tasteful and unbelievably peaceful despite the attrocities which took place there. when I get home I'll post photos but there were some 8000 human remains found here in 1980 and stories which are straight out of a horror book. People bludgeoned to death, some who were thrown into the pits were not dead and so acid powder was added to finish the job. babies and infants were beaten against a tree and thrown into a pit. It's horrific, it's almost unimaginable and it happened in my lifetime.
Like I said before, what makes this even worse..if it can be worse, is that I have never met a gentler people that the Cambodians. We know how this started but why was it allowed to continue for such a long time and the rest of the world stood by and did nothing. The Khmer Rouge (Pol Pots political party) even had a seat in the U.N for a while..???!!!
It was the Vietnamese who finally drove him out and Cambodia is still getting over that awful period in their history.
However, it is apparent that they have a long way to go and corruption is still present.. You'd have to be blind not to notice the number of grossly expensive large black 4 wheel drive lexus vehicles getting around with Govt plates on them see where a chunk of the money which should be feeding and clothing kids is going.
On a lighter note, tomorrow after clinic, I'm heading down to the South Coast for a long weekend. It's a spot called Sihanoukville and it's on the beach. Didn't realise how much I'd miss the ocean and I'm really looking forward to being in the water's so stifling hot here in the city and dusty with it.
I'll probably do a dive while I'm there too (never miss an opportunity) and I believe the water is a balm 29oC ..happy days :)
I paid for my accommodation so far today. It's been 10 days. Since the gusthouse was organised for me I didn't know what it cost though I did know it wasn't expensive. Guess what the last 10days have cost me? .. $100 USD. So for anyone out there who thinks volunteering is too expensive and they can't afford to do it..think again! What a valuable and rewarding experience and so affordable for anyone!
More in a few days about the coast
love Di x
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Enjoy the dive Dink, you have definitely earned yourself a long weekend. We miss you xx


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